The best pets are... RATS!

A lot of people hearing the word "rat" instantly associate it with "gross". These little furry guys sure are the victims of prejudice. But if you ask me, whether I'm a dog or a cat person, I'd answer, without a second thought, that I'm a rat person! There is a saying: if you don't have enough space to have a dog, take two little rats! "Two" or more is really importan for pet rats are extremely social animals, and we, humans, can never replace them a mate of the same sex for grooming purposes and much more. All the reasons for having two or more rats, you can find out in this cute video that brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it...

I've had rats four times in my life, boys and girls. But the last two husky sisters went straight to my heart and seem not wanting to leave it ))))
The story begins when I was getting over my divorce, I was a single mom with a three year old son. By this time I already met my future husband, but he had to stay in France for another three years, I wasn't able to move to France either, so we were waiting with my son in Russia. At that time I felt like hurrying the time by having something new in our life, that's when I took my girls and have never regretted about two years spent together!

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These little furry girls showed my son and me, what love is - they would be together all the time, eating together, playing together, sleeping together. They'd support one another during the difficult periods of being sick and would never allow each other to stay bored or inactive, they were engines for one another and for us as well ))

Below you can see a series of pictures I took during our two year journey, words are unneessary here.







I hope you enjoyed the photos of my babies, and maybe even have changed your mind about rats being gross )

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