The Power Of Words | Freewrite


When we were young we were told ”Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” While the purpose of this saying makes sense.. that we must not put too much weight into what people say about us, the fact of the matter is that...

Words Are Powerful

Words can be weapons, or they can be gifts.. the choice is up to us how we use them. To say that words cannot hurt is just a false statement, words can cut you to the core or they can lift you up... and once they are spoken, you can never take them back.

As someone who spent years in a relationship where words were used as weapons... believe me when I say that words are some of the most powerful things in this world... they have the ability to control, manipulate, tear down, and shake a person to the core...

But those same powerful words can be used for greatness

When we are aware of the power of words, we can do things with them we could have never imagined. The words we use become who we are.. they are our reality, they have the power to guide our lives down one path or another.

We can not only affect our own surroundings, but those around us....

Our words can give someone the confidence they need to go after their dreams, we can lift someone when they have reached their rock bottom, we can inspire and motivate, we can comfort and soothe, we can be exactly what someone needs, we can connect on a deeper level..on a level that’s seem unimaginable.

All with those same words that could have been used just to tear someone down

Words have always fasinated me. They seem so simple, unimportant and trivial.. if we only knew the power of words. Not only the words we choose to speak but also Those we are too afraid to say.

The most interesting thing about them, is that we actually have a choice in how we use them.. and therefore we are as powerful as the words we speak.

How Will You Use Your Words Today?

Let’s make them count...

Much Love,


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