Sankofa Creative Competition #3 : Kokoro toun Je Efo, Idi Efo Lowa; Finding the Root of Your Problem

Problems are unavoidable. Everyone faces problems and usually they help us find ways to improve ourselves, but then there are some problems that seem more persistent than others.

The Yoruba have a proverb “Kokoro toun Je Efo, Idi Efo Lowa”, this literally translates to the insect that is eating the vegetable is at the root of the vegetable. Many times we try to make excuses for the problems we face.

“My parents were poor and that’s why I am not doing so well in life.”

“People don’t like me and that’s why I’m not getting the gigs I want.”

“I am not successful at this because I did not get formally educated about it.”

Well this proverb lets us understand that the cause of the problem is usually not very far away. You are the root of the vegetable in this case, you are the one elevating some of your problems and allowing them to remain problems. If you stop giving excuses and focus on doing everything you can to change your situation, then that problem you were facing would go away.

You want a job but don't have the knowledge required? Then go learn. You want to be a good writer but the things you write suck? Then practice, you'll get better. You want to be a singer but you're terribly shy? Then put yourself out there, go on stage and overcome your fears.

Look within yourself today dear vegetable, find the root of your problem and get rid of that insect.

Thanks for reading. If you liked that do drop a comment, I like getting those. Also upvote and resteem as you see fit.

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