Worst Advice Ever: Go To A Private University They Said, It Would Be Fun They Said

After secondary school it was time to decide what university I would be attending. I had my mind set on a public university, they had the best reputation academically at the time and the students were free unlike some of their private counterparts, but there was a downside, in Nigeria sometimes public university staffs go on strike for extended periods, and that usually made students spend a longer period in university than expected.

My parents advised I attend a private university, a Christian one to be precise (I won’t give a name). I was against it at first, and for good reason, they had a whole bunch of rules that made life inconvenient –we had to dress corporately every week day, attend seemingly endless church programmes and were restricted in a whole lot of other ways especially when it came to the opposite sex –and I wasn’t ready for that.

Eventually they made me see where they were coming from (after i failed the tests for the school i actually wanted), zero strikes, a conducive learning environment, no cultists and it was the top private school in the country, so why not. I had to drag my bags from the gate of the student residential area on my very first day, visitors were not allowed past the gate from 6pm so my parents had to turn back. I also had to attend a two hour long prayer session (we were told it would last thirty minutes).

I did get to graduate before my counterparts who attended the public schools, and I got to explore spirituality a bit more. I can also say I learnt a measure of discipline in my time in the institution, and I also met some amazing people so there were some pros to the deal.

Still the worst advice I ever got though.

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