Slowly But Surely

Today, I am inspired by this Spanish expression (sin prisa, pero sin pausa) meaning you do something without being in a hurry, but without stopping. Some equivalent expression in english could be slowly but surely, make haste slowly and/or slowly but steady,

Just like that is how I want be going at it slowly but surely, even writing this paragraph I realize I was rushing into typing these words, so let me take a breath and make slow but steady typing.

So today I was reminded that the key is into making slow but constant progress I can refer to this specially because after coming out of the dark cloud of depression it becomes really hard to see any improvement, I am usually so fed up with being down that I just want to be okay right away, so I am doing my best to hold on to this words as tight as I can, and maybe even make it an everyday ritual to remember that slowly is great; I want to clarify that slow does not mean lazy, it means more present, more focused and more involved.

It can be challenging to see little to any progress after coming out of a very sad and melancholic state; It is really easy to rush into feeling good right away, skipping many essential steps to have a steady okay. I might not be in the state that I wish to be in, but I know I am making some progress and eventually it will build up to a better more stable me, but this time not by rushing but instead by taking the time to build strong new patterns, different, more enjoyable good habits.

I can refer to this in many areas of my life if not the way of life itself, it is a very wise combination of words, reminding us of something that could be almost opposite to today's robotic day to day life, where everything seems to be rushed and the faster the better because we're already late for the next segment of our day, not realizing that we might actually be more productive and effective when keeping a slow but continuous, always moving, there for always growing, always evolving, always improving rhythm of life. It is less exhausting, less frustrating, less stressful on the body and the mind.

I will consciously focus into having a more slow, more in the moment way of life, enjoying the amazing long term, steady result of it.

"Let thy step be slow and steady, that thou stumble not."
Leyasu Tokugawa

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