¿Qúe le paso a Lobo? | what happened to wolf

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Él es mi amigo lobo, no tiene casa pero mi mami lo quiere mucho.

Antes era un perro que se le lanzaba a los carros, y a las motos,, las personas le temían, mi mami con el tiempo gano su confianza y ya no hace nada de eso, se ha vuelto obediente, y cariñoso.

La semana pasada fuimos al parque (él siempre, siempre nos acompaña) y estaba bien, al otro día no apareció y se nos hizo extraño, cuando mami fue a darle la comida, su animo estaba muy mal, no comió, no caminaba y se notaba la tristeza, al otro día con mas luz se vio que alguien (probablemente) lo había golpeado, su boquita se inflamo, mamá le dio medicamentos y al bajar la inflamación parte de su boca estaba desgarrada, llamamos a la Veterinaria y al otro día iba a ir.

Ese día Lobo se había arrancado aquella parte y estaba peor, lo sedaron, colocaron antibiótico, le agarraron puntos, y quitaron unos gusanitos que empezaban a posarse en su boca. Loa dos primeros días seguía desanimado, se le hizo una camita y se le dejo encerrado en el lugar que conseguimos para que no escapara, y nadie lo fuera a lastimar. Lo bañaron, se le paso el secador y quedo muy guapetón.

Hoy, cuatro días después y mi mamá curandolo, con antibiótico, desinflamatorio y antiséptico tal cual dijo la Dra. Su boquita esta mas sana, sin embargo, quedara una pequeña abertura parecido al "Guason", ademas el hueso en la encía esta expuesto, pero ya ha ido sanando, sabemos que esta bien porque ya camina con mas entusiasmo y se escapa, ahorita hicimos una pequeña trampa para que en la noche no saliera y se cure aun mas rápido.

Es muy triste que existan humanos tan de mal corazón, que les guste herir y lastimar cuando lo único que queremos es una caricia, un poco de agua o un simple "Hola".
Hoy comparto esta historia con ustedes para que nos cuiden y defiendan, para que sepan que no hacemos nada malo, somos inocentes y no podemos hablar, pero siempre somos agradecidos, fieles, y los queremos.

He is my wolf friend, he does not have a house but my mom loves him very much.

Before it was a dog that was thrown at cars, and motorcycles, people feared him, my mom eventually gained their trust and no longer does anything like that, has become obedient, and loving.

Last week we went to the park (he always, always accompanies us) and it was fine, the next day he did not appear and it was strange, when mom went to give him the food, his mood was very bad, he did not eat, he did not walk and he I noticed the sadness, the next day with more light it was seen that someone (probably) had hit him, his mouth swelled, mom gave him medicine and when the inflammation went down part of his mouth was torn, we called the Veterinary and the next day I was going to go.

That day Lobo had torn that part away and it was worse, they sedated him, put antibiotics, grabbed stitches, and removed some worms that were beginning to settle on his mouth. The first two days he was still discouraged, a bed was made and he was left locked in the place we got so he would not escape, and no one would hurt him. He was bathed, his hair was gone and he looked very handsome.

Today, four days later and my mom cured him, with antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, as Dr. said. His mouth is healthier, however, there is a small opening similar to the "Joker", besides the bone in the gum is exposed, but it has already been healing, we know it's okay because it walks with more enthusiasm and it escapes, right now we made a small trap so that at night it would not come out and heal even faster.

It is very sad that there are humans with such a bad heart, who like to hurt and hurt when all we want is a caress, a little water or a simple "Hello".
Today I share this story with you so that they can take care of us and defend us, so that they know that we do not do anything wrong, we are innocent and we can not talk, but we are always grateful, faithful, and we love them.


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