How many 3 pointers can you make in a row? 你能夠連續投進幾個三分球?

As you probably already know from my previous articles, I am a basketball coach. 大家可能從我其他的文章中知道,我是個籃球教練。

I started playing basketball when I was 10. I had a basketball hoop at my house, and I used to play it every day I got home from school, as well as on weekends. 我從十歲就開始打籃球。我家有籃球框,所以每天放學回家就打籃球。周末也打。

When I first started, I had trouble getting a single shot in. However, after one of my friends taught me how to shoot properly, I started to gain some accuracy. 我剛開始打時,一球都進不了。但我有一個朋友教了我怎麼投球以後,我開始變準了。

Then I realised. If I shoot a certain way, using the same body positioning and movement, from the same spot, I will always get a shot in. 有一天我發現,只要我能在同一個點,做同樣的動作投球,就一定進。

This proved to be quite useful in a game as well. If I can get into that position to shoot, I will usually get it in. 後來我發覺,在打比賽的時候,也能夠在同一個點投進球。

When I'm coaching students now, I would ask them: Where is your best shooting spot? If you don't have one, train yourself up until you have one, and move to it during a game to score. 現在我在當教練的時候,也會問我的學生: 你的點在哪裡? 如果沒有,那就把一個點練出來,比賽的時候就到這個點投球。

This is proof that I can get the same shot in over and over again. My house is 7.46m wide according to the floor plan, and the three point line is only 6.75m away from the ring. I got 10 shots in a row without editing the video. 這是我能夠在同一個點一直投進的證據。我的房子寬度是7.46米。三分球線離籃框的距離是6.75米。我連進了十球,而且沒有剪接影片。


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