“Inside, we are ageless and when we talk to ourselves, it’s the same age of the person we were talking to when we were little. It’s the body that is changing around that ageless center."

So, This David Lynch quote and also Gertrude Steins: "We are always the same age inside." provoked me to think about my upcoming birthday more than I usually would do.

photo by Anja Matthes ((photographer and filmmaker) , one of my best friend and my daughters Godmother

Let me give you some ideas why I believe to embrace every birthday as a new “ Born-Day “ and how it feels to visit your 90-year-old mother asking her such questions.

Are you in your 20’s?

Ok, You probably might scroll on to a trending story. Why would you care about age or even death, still so young with your whole life waiting for you?

Did I ever think what might happen after life? Infinity was a word beyond my understanding until I looked into the death angels eyes. I did twice at very young age. After a heavy car accident I had a brief but intense after death experience and this changed my path. Since then, I live my days without thinking much about my tomorrow. Easier said as actually done .

Did I ever want to grow up? No, As a six year old, I was obsessed calling for the magic wand helping me to fulfill my wishes, to be spoiled forever and always be cared for. I refused to have the same responsibilities like my parents who struggled from one month to the other.

Somehow it all went way too fast.

Hopefully, you will reflect for a second, think of your own mother, father and grannies or those wacky old people crossing your path. Let them tell you their stories. You might be surprised. Once they were as young as you are now.


You got a choice.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. ~Chili Davis

I truly believe in aging with pride, elegance, class, style is ageless. I do not intend to age disgracefully. I trust what Mother Nature planned for all of us. Our outer beauty might vanish but our smile will last. It took me quite some time to accept who I AM so why would I cover up and hide the truth, why would plastic surgery be an option to damage my soul, just because my boobs started hanging? Oh no, that's not a philosophy of an independent and confident woman or should all experienced sisters put some playboy bunny ears on to impress? I don't think so! >Take me as I am or watch me as I go.


Age aint nothing but a number” Yeah right! Ask men, your man, maybe my Ex or explain this to a teenager: “ Mom, now you are old! ” Oh dear, this was the first slap in my face.

She is right. I am but then I remembered I am not that old yet :

Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. ~Samuel Ullman



The day your own child calls you immature standing next to you at some concert, embarrassed what her school friends might think; Mom! Pleeease don't start dancing now “.

It’s time to question your behavior and stop making a fool out of her and myself, maybe or just ignore it? Exactly Darling, I am childish indeed and what do I know about responsibilities? How did I actually get that far? I guess I deserve to be a little immature and a big laugh once in a while. Living life can be such a drag and way to serious.

Get up, out and put your red dancing shoes on, Mama’s!

Plato’s Theory of Aging might give you an interesting insight

He who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden - Plato


This is a crucial one if you had issues being the black sheep of the family. Just recently,I went back home to Austria to visit and spend quality time with “Mutti. I really enjoy hanging out with her more than I used to, living too far away to see her regularly. She radiates pure joy, the moment I open the door to her apartment. It’s extremely hard for me, feeling guilty, to see her that weak, vulnerable and helpless. She was not always smiling softly; she was a very strong woman who would never take a rest. She was rather intense and quite controlling but now she is sweet. Her eyes are glowing of forgiveness. Why didn't I see this side of gentleness about her before? She was so patient for all those years waiting for me to be back home. Her letters full of well meant motherly advice followed my gypsy blood boiling all over the globe. I would run so fast and far away from so many shadows. I was on such mad runaway mission, never wanting to turn nor look back.

I had my reasons why.

I never listened to her enough. I still remember, telling me to always check out the mothers of my boyfriends first before I continue to go out with them. She got a valid point indeed! Why didn't I hear her words of the wise advice of an experienced woman back then, I could have stayed out of lots of troubles with my partners? -

-GENETICS FOR THE BETTER AND WORSE Mom was always gorgeous and still is a hot babe; she smokes 1 cigarette per day but now she gets a bit dizzy as she said and its no more fun for her. She loves it when my friends tell her how young she looks, acts like a shy teenage girl before blushing. You can never give enough compliments to a woman.

She cannot move her hands anymore, cannot write, cook nor clean and forced to sit in front of a TV Screen for the whole day. She calls it torture. One day she was falling over some cable on the way to reach a telephone call and couldn't find the strength to pull her back up again.

It breaks my heart to imagine how it must feel to be so helpless as a grown up. She never needed help for anything, when she was young. She said, she cried, lying on the floor for hours.

She is mostly alone, lonely. Her only friends left are those soap opera characters and their tacky destinies she follows every day. All her sisters died except the older one, age 92. Her brother was killed in the 2nd world war. She doesn't hear much, pretty much nothing. The volume for her radio always turned up to the max that you have to shout if you wish to have a little chat with her. Oh well, maybe better not to hear nor see everything anyways.

After a general check up I was told that I lost 50% of my hearing as well. That’s what happens when you are standing next to speakers for most of your life, with blasting bass in your ears and I got my Mom’s genes.

I look so much like her. She was not lucky with the choice of her men. I wonder if this has something to do with genes as well? My father left her when all children were out of the house and her second husband chose to be with another woman divorced her at age 89. He was 11 years younger. Bastard!

I am the third of 4 children she raised and adores. One is my older sisters daughter. I thought she was not the best mother for most of my life. I wished for more, better and different but I was wrong. She tried her best like most good mothers would do.

I apologized.

“Whilst you are a youth, think about the aged; whilst you are an aged, think about the youth” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

LIVE YOUR LIFE and forget age – she said!

So, Tell me, what to do for my 58th birthday? . ……BOTOX or more TATOO’s?


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