What to do in Steemit...? I've finally got it.

I'm sure you've experienced this before... You wake up one Sunday morning and realise you need to start doing things differently in your life.

Everything seems clear, and with all your newfound drive, you set about trying to change your bad habits into good ones, enjoying the sensation of finally having reached this fresh, new paradigm: I really am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul!

Well, so it was with me, yesterday, when thinking about what I mean to do here on Steemit, which in fact also crosses over in a very real way into my life. My hope with this post is, in explaining, that you might be able to reach a similar epiphany.

I started well enough, with a second-attempt introduction post that I was happy with, and 3 posts about my experience thus far as a n00b crypto-currency trader. Like many, I heard about Steemit after getting into crypto-investment, and my intention here was to write about my experiences and through them, perhaps help others who are also new.

I fast became discouraged with this idea, though, because after looking around, I realised that everybody and their uncle was doing the same thing, which of course meant that even if my posts were really good, it would be difficult to get noticed in such a saturated space. I forgot about Steemit for a few days and when I remembered it again, I felt that dejected feeling of having once again started something without following through.

But then I consciously decided to change my attitude about it:
You have so much more to offer, Jody. You write poetry. You're an artist. You're a student of your own mind. Share this!

And so here I am. The first post of many. I intend to use Steemit as a repository for all my best thoughts and creations and to share them with you, thus taking full advantage of the great potential of my "super power" as described in my introduction post, that we all have: The power of self-awareness, understanding and expression.

More specifically, I will share with you all my artistic creations (poetry, art) as well as my thoughts on topics like the human mind and the nature of reality. I will also actively seek out like-minded people on the Steemit network so that I can learn from them. If you believe you are one of them, please don't hesitate to get in contact.

I'll leave you all with what I see as the genesis of my two main artistic endeavours: "fractal art" and poetry.

This is "Sound Garden":


I was fiddling around with "Mandelbulb 3D", a fractal program, for months before I, almost by accident, created this. It was then that I realised the potential for expression that fractal chaos could provide, not obtainable anywhere else. There is nothing quite like that thrilling feeling of having created something unique every time I finish a piece, just as invogorating now as it was with Sound Garden =)

And as for poetry, this was the very first poem I wrote, as a young teenager filled with existential angst:

Wandering Sheep

In the lonely world in which one doth live,
People talk constantly, without meaning,
One is interested in none of it,
There is no significance in their being.

Rocking to and fro, one cradles one's thoughts,
Staring in awe at that which lies ahead,
Pondering all one has yet to achieve,
Before one lies on the eternal bed.

And during the sleep of one's mellow mind,
Perchance, mentally, one would awaken,
And see all superficialities,
Before by ignorance, one is taken.

One is lost in doubt for eternity,
In this cruel world we call reality.

Hehehe. As I rewrote that now, my hands started sweating a little from embarrassment. But it was the first thing I wrote that made me think "Hmm... I can write poetry? Maybe!" ... I'll share more poems, but can't promise to share all my earlier ones... Some are cringingly embarrassing.

Lastly, I would like to thank @brandonfrye - Two of his posts were instrumental in helping me reach my Steemit "epiphany". He seems to be a truly self-honest member of the community, sincerely wanting to help others as he goes about helping himself. We need more people like this in the community. Thank you, Brandon ;)

And thank you for reading until the end =)
Please don't hesitate to comment and share your thoughts. Bye for now!

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