Your body language can make or mar you. Throughout the day we are communicating with people. When we speak it is a direct communication. The non-verbal, is indirect. By this, we mean our posture, use of hands, legs and facial expressions, and last but not least, the eyes. 

 Body language represents 45 per cent of the impact of a message. Suppose you have the right choice of words, and the right tone of voice, but if your body language conflicts with your words and intonation, you are fighting an uphill task in getting your point through. For casual conversation, it is really not important, but there are times when it is necessary to get one’s argument through…whether with a parent, teacher, friend or boss. Few people know that a scientific study has been developed on this method of communication. Kinesics is the science of body language.


The knowledge of kinesics is being used on the commercial plane. Take for example, the effect of an advertisement commercial on television, on a select audience. While watching, their eyes are photographed. After development of the movie, a detailed observation is made of the eyes . if there is a positive widening of the pupils, it means that the ad, produces pleasant responses among the audience, and all thing being equal, the product will have a greater chance of being accepted.  

There are certain body actions which convey a common message, Like…..a person crossing their arms. This is a natural defense mechanism, saying “I will not let you in.” The rubbing of nose with a finger, signifies disapproval, while patting the hair automatically means approval.

 Body language and postures can be developed to convey the best impression. Hitler like his mentor Mussolini, had literally hundreds of photographs taken of him, while he orated. The aim was to pick out postures which were strong enough to be convincing. Also postures which would show dominance. Having  decided on the best poses from varied opinions of experts, (kinesics was not scientifically studied then) these dictators cultivated the strongest and most impressive body and hand language, which they repeatedly used during their speeches.

John F. kennedy, the 35th U.S president , was extremely particular about correct posture. He never even slouched. He believed it was the key to captivate the audience. President Lyndon Johnson actually took lessons in body language. He wanted to be able to manage his tall frame to advantage, discard his generally clumsy gait, and change his image. 

Try out a simple experiment in a family. In the dining room is the dining table the place where the family meets at least twice a day for meals. Ask the members to take their positions. If the father and mother sit at the two heads, it shows a certain conflict in ideas over dominance. It could be purely on the unconscious level. If the father sits at the head, he shows his dominance and superior position. His wife takes a seat to his right, she depicts her closeness to her husband, as well as being accessible to the children. 

Perhaps the greatest value of an understanding of body language is in the field of psychiatry. Gestalt therapy uses body language as its basic tools. When a patient talks, the messages could be tinged with inaccuracy, or even be falsehood.

The non-verbal is less subject to self description. In brief, you must see yourself , as you appear to others. You must confront yourself, to bring about the desired change. Once you are aware of body language, you could get to know if you are dominant or subservient in your kinesic relationship to others. Actually we’ve been playing the game of body language all our life unconsciously.   

All images taken from : (took all images from imgur and posted all under one link)


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