The Art of Growing Old

 Old age is indispensable or unavoidable part of man’s life. It is the autumn of life. But as keats says autumn has its own music.

 The songs of autumn are not less sweeter than the melodies of the spring. No doubt, youth is a period of beauty , power and glory. 



  “It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.” 

 ― Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez  

Dreams, passions , ambition , hopes and aspirations fly on wings. But time spares none. The redness of our cheeks and lips fades away as we grow old. The face gets wrinkled. There is a perceptible loss of physical power, lustre and glamour. 

However, this is only one part of the picture. Old age has its own glories. Old age is the age of mellow fruitfulness and ripeness.


“The sooner growing older is stripped of reflexive dread, the better equipped we are to benefit from the countless ways in which it can enrich us.”

-ashton applewhite  

 All our efforts of year start giving the desired fruit. Our childishness, immaturity and recklessness give place to maturity, sense of discretion and sound judgement.

 Moreover, it is the attitude of our mind not the number of years that makes us old. Old age is not only cursed to be confined to aching limbs and stiff joints.

 People like Ulysses never take old age and death lying down. They struggle and bring their dreams and aspirations to their logical perfection in the old age. 


  “Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.”  

― Coco Chanel   

There are people who master the art of growing old. They never let the spark of adventures and life cool down in their blood. The lamp of wisdom and maturity continues guiding them till they are blessed with the eternal peace.  

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