Gratitude - Day 1

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I am grateful that @conradt nominated me to start out with him on this journey of bringing postive vibes to Steemit. Read his post here.

Remembering and stepping into gratitude for the good things in our lives is one of the best ways to live a happy life. That might sound like crazy speak to some. Yet, it is a fact proven by more than one study. While there are many things in our lives we have absolutely no control over, we have the choice of looking for the negative or for the positive.

The more we practice looking for the positive, the more we see it. The more we step into gratitude for the positive we have, the happier we are.

When my kids were much younger, I had a friend who I will admire forever for her practice of gratitude.

She was very pregnant with her second child when I met her. Her daughter was about 4 and they were expecting a little boy. That little boy died during childbirth - for no apparent reason. A few months later, the older child was diagnosed with Leukemia. Despite all kinds of treatments, the little girl also passed away.

During the time of the illness, I saw the mom often - we had a study group around a workbook designed to uplevel our spiritual practices.

My friend practiced daily gratitude - sometimes, the only thing she could find to be grateful for is not to have lost her mind.

She was able to keep sane through so much heartbreak and has dedicated her life to helping parents through the loss of a child.

Today, I am grateful that all my children are alive.

I am grateful that I live in beautiful Southern California where the skies are mostly blue like in the picture and we see our sun-parched hills as golden.

Today, I am inviting you all to commit to practicing seven days of gratitude.
And especially these three.

@teekingtv - we had a conversation about that
@blacklux - because I love her and don't go enough to see her profile
@csusbgeochem1 - because he is such a positive force already and will spread this message like wildfire

The rules:

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
  • Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.

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Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.

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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

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My recent posts

When did I decide to Stay on Steemit?

How Many Posts Per Day?

Every Day - A new Start

Daily Prompt

Day 11 - Hive Mind or Smart Media Tokens

Do you Know What This is?

Steemit in 5 Years from Now

Day 8 - Most Consistent Hobby in the Past 5 Years.

It is Very Important

Tree Tuesday in Vegas

Water - Deranged Photography Contest

Day 6 - Why am I still on Steemit - Day 5 - 30 Day Writing Challenge

Baby Chick

My Dogs Must be Crazy!!!

5 Witnesses and my Why - Day 4

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.

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#SoCalSteemit is building and supporting the Steemit community of Southern California. If you are from SoCal and are into creating quality content here on Steemit, we'd love for you to follow us @SoCalSteemit and join our group on Discord!


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


Thank you @enginewitty for the banner

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Click on the graphics to vote for Enginewitty as a witness

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