Love and friendship

Everyone experiences different feelings about different people, and we each live different types of love throughout life. Perhaps many felt at one point that feeling that they needed water from the beloved person, that they could not live without it (passionate love). Probably many felt a more peaceful affection in other situations, based on attachment, compatibility, appreciation and trust (companion love).


What are the differences between friendship and love?

Friendship is a lasting relationship that involves affection, appreciation, respect, and the pleasure of being with that person. Surveys show that the most important, when we talk about friendship, is mutual trust. It is a relationship based on sympathy, altruism, mutual support. Friendships also form on the basis of similarities in terms of interests, principles and values, and even socio-economic and age-related similarities.
What is the love of friendship?

Like friendship, love involves the appreciation and valuation of the person, the affection and the trust. And love involves altruism, respect, and is based on certain similarities between people: similar principles and values, similar interests, similar socio-economic status.

Unlike friendship, in the case of love, attraction and physical intimacy play a central role. Due to the sexual aspect of love, romantic relationships are less rational and quiet, being more threatened by conflict. These relationships involve strong emotions and physiological emotional reactions (breathing and heartbeat, sweating and trembling, etc.).

When it comes to love, feelings are more complex (more intense, tumultuous emotions appear) and the fact that we can talk about more types of love complicates things. For example, a type of love would be passionate, which is tumultuous, often involving both positive feelings (happiness, desire) and negative feelings (fear, jealousy, pain). It is the least rational relationship, it is what is called "blind love". On the other hand, there is also companion love, which implies a more balanced relationship, based less on the need for each other and more on attachment, support and mutual trust. This form of love leads to stable, lasting relationships.
Is it possible to love someone we do not like about, or is love just a stronger form of friendship?

When it comes to "love", especially the classic love at first glance, yes, it may be that the person we fall in love with does not inspire feelings of appreciation, appreciation, respect or trust. We can fall in love with the effect of physical attractiveness and nervous excitability (when we are excited nervously, tense, we can feel that we are in love with an attractive person).

In contrast, when it comes to love, not just to that "love," the relationship has similarities to friendship. First of all, we need to have a favorable opinion about the loved one, to feel appreciation and respect for her. Secondly, as in the case of friendship, love involves lack of selfishness and mutual support. Last but not least, there must be compatibility between the two: in a word, you CAN NOT love a person you do not like!


In the first place, the most important in a relationship of love, according to a psychology study, is the state of good mood and comfort offered by that relationship - as in the case of friendship ...

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