9 positive thoughts to start your day every day

Positive thinking is the main ingredient for a happy and successful life. Did you know this? Okay, that means we've already passed the first step. Now, just the practical part remains. And, unfortunately, the hardest. Perhaps it is hard for you to believe at first, but with a little exercise, positive thinking can become something to get used to and even recommend to others.

For a nice smile every day, we recommend brushing your teeth. 🙂 And now, leaving the joke to one side, we will give you some examples of positive and beautiful thoughts with which to start your day with the smile on your lips and even keep you up until the evening.

"Today is a beautiful day because that's what I will do." Think that in the morning, when you wake up, you do not know even half the things that will happen to you during the day, but you have the choice to build yourself A beautiful day or not. Whatever events will take place.

"Today I choose to be happy." What can go better by a beautiful day than a little happiness? Or even more. We say to you: nothing. 🙂 If your first thought of the morning is to be happy then that will happen.

"Today only good things will happen to me." And who can contradict you? Just you. The law of attraction is not just a word. If you want to have beautiful things and think positively all the time, you will have the joy of discovering that these things really happen to you.

"Today I will make the world a better place." And yesterday, and tomorrow and every day. Because we are all who control everything that happens in the world, and if what we want is to have a better world, the change comes from us. With every good deed we change things for the better. See what is simple?


"Today I will help someone." If you propose that every day to help someone, the feeling of fulfillment you will have is absolutely wonderful, and that person will be a man who will believe in something better, because Unconditional help is something surprising and extraordinarily beautiful. It may even help another person, and from here he will start a whole chain of good deeds. All thanks to you. Do not you smile already?

"Today I am one step closer to fulfilling my dream." And who can contradict you? Everything you do every day can take you ever closer to what you really want, but it can take you away. As I said, it all depends only on you. Choose to fulfill your wishes, so.

"Today I will become better at what I do than I was yesterday." Because today is a new day, in which you have the opportunity to learn new things and put them into practice. Because getting better is a choice and desire, and every day offers new opportunities that you need to take advantage of.

"I'm not perfect today, but it's okay." Because you will never be perfect. And no one will be. And this is O.K. You do not have to have perfection as a goal, nor do you have to demote yourself if you do not get out of it.

"Even if I have things that will not succeed, I will smile and I will go on." It is possible that not all the things that you set for one day to come out of you, that is why you must be Aware of this and accept it as such. You will pass over the failure with the smile on your lips and try again or you will do something else. It is important not to get stuck because of a small failure.

These are the beautiful thoughts we propose to you. If you start your day by repeating them, you will notice that you will feel great throughout it regardless of the events that will take place. What other positive thoughts do you suggest for an excellent start to day?

source: BUZZCamp

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