A star and a thought, or a dream and a star ...

A star has fallen ... It was a falling star. The elders say that when a star falls, a noble soul died out of life. Others think that it brings happiness to the one who sees it, while some see it as they walk the way to ephemeralism. But what do I think?
In the silence of the evening I sit alone and look to heaven. Thousands of stars. Thousands of ideas. So much so, and so different at the same time. I see them, and I do not see them ... I have the impression that the milky way now is brighter than ever. For whom? Here a star, a larger one, and over that whole expanse, lie an infinity of stars, one brighter than the other. And looking at this endless series of stars, I can not help wondering: But, my star is where it is? Where would they be hiding?
My charming look takes my mind away. Already, my rich imagination competes with art. It makes me dream with my eyes open. A romantic vision. Only mine? A passive thought. A star and a thought, or a dream and a star ... And after all this, I feel as if I fall asleep with a strong smell of perfume. It looks like a queen's fragrance ... she's the queen of the night.


It's easier to lower the stars on the earth than to shine the souls of men.

Mariana Fulger

Extinguish the stars and sleep in peace.

Mariana Fulger


No matter how hard life is, we can always do something to embellish it. Look at the stars instead of looking down.

Stephen William Hawking

How can you be one of the stars of the sky, once the stars can not be counted? How old are you?

Sorin Cerin

And the star stars die of loneliness, like humans, too much light unlit, too much shadow. The stars die on jumps, like humans, every now and then, one by one, they fall.

Adriana Weimer

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