Advice from Japanese seniors

Tips sent by the Japanese seniors, at the end of the career of the youngest, who will take their place. Book yourself 10 minutes to read some tips from lifetime people, wise words that will surely help you!

"When you stop running the wrong things, you give it a good chance to find yourself."

Be what you are!

One of the greatest challenges in life is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else. Someone will always be more beautiful than you, smarter or younger, but no one can be like you. Do not change that people like you. Be yourself and the right people will love you, the true one.


You will not be able to start the next chapter of your life if you continue to read the last chapter.

Fear to make mistakes

Doing something and getting a wrong result is more productive than doing nothing. Any success has a trace of failure behind it, and any failure leads you to success. You will come to regret more the things you did not do than the things you did.


Face them upside down. No, it will not be easy. There is no person in the world who can without fail overcome all the complications with which life puts us face to face. We are not made to instantly solve all the problems that have arisen. That's not how we were created. In fact, we were created to upset, to get angry, to get hurt, to hinder and fall. Because this is the whole purpose of life - to face our problems, to learn from them, to adapt and to solve them in time. That is, in the end, how we become the people we are.

To lie

You can lie to anyone in the world, but you can not deceive yourself. Our lives are improving only when we accept the challenges that arise in our path. And the most difficult of the challenges is to be honest with ourselves.

Your own needs

The most painful thing is to lose yourself as a person when you love someone too much and forget that you are special too. Yes, help others, but help yourself. If there is ever a perfect time to follow your dream or to do something that really matters to you, that moment is now.


Are you ready…

Nobody ever feels 100% ready when a new chance comes. Because most of the opportunities in life force us to go beyond our comfort zone. In any case, we will feel inadequately ready. But that's about the learning process, is not it?

Relationships for the wrong reasons

Relationships must be chosen wisely. It's better to be alone than in an unpleasant company. You do not have to hurry. If it has to happen, it will happen - at the right time with the right person and for the right reasons. Love yourself because you feel it, not because you feel alone.

New relationships

You will learn that in life the people you meet meet them for a purpose. Some will test you, some will use you, some will teach you something. But, most importantly, there will also be some who will bring out the best of you.

Compete with everyone else around you

Do not think about what others are doing better than you do. Focus on getting your own records every day. Success is ultimately a struggle between you and your own person.

Envy the others

Envy is to count all the graces that others have been given, instead of looking at you and what you have received. Ask yourself the following: "What do I have and everyone wants?"

Must for old mistakes

We can love the wrong people and we can complain about the wrong things, but no matter what the turn of life, one thing is certain: mistakes help us find those people and those things that are right for us. We all are wrong, we all fight and we all regret certain things in our past.

They all have a point

Anything that happens to you, good or bad, prepares you for a moment to come.

Buying happiness

Many of the things we want are expensive. But the truth is that the things that really bring us happiness are free - love, smile, friendship ... Fill out your list further ...

Waiting for happiness from others

If you are not happy with yourself, as you are, you will not be happy even in relationships with other people. You need to create stability and happiness in your own life before sharing it with someone else.

To live naked, thinking and changing your mind

Do not analyze it so much in every situation because you will create problems that do not even exist. Assess the situation and act. You can not change the things you refuse to confront. Progress involves risks. Point! To score a goal, you must first release the ball.

To complain of mercy

The unpleasant surprises with which life puts you face to face only smooth your path in the direction that was meant for you. Maybe you do not understand or see this when bad things happen and maybe it will be hard for you. But it also reflects on the other negative things that have happened to you in the past. You will often see that each of them has led you to a better place, a better person, a wonderful state of mind or a happy situation. So she smiles! Let everyone see that today you are much stronger than you were yesterday. And so you will be.

To be upset

Do not live your life with hatred in your soul. You will end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate. Forgiveness does not mean "What you have done to me is fine," but forgiveness means "I will not let you ruin my happiness forever."

Forgiveness is the answer ... Give up the ranch, find peace and free yourself. And, remember, forgiveness is not just for other people, it is also for you. When necessary, forgive yourself, go ahead and try to do better next time.


They refuse to lower your standards just to thank those who refuse to raise their own.

Excuses and excuses for endless mistakes

Your friends do not need that, and your enemies will not believe anyway. Just do what you feel is right.

The beauty of small joy ...

Enjoy the small things because one day you will look back and you will find that they were really important things. The best times in your life will be those small moments, seemingly unimportant, that you have spent laughing at with those who matter to you.

Doing things perfectly

Society does not reward perfectionists, but rewards those who do things.

The easy way

Life is not easy, especially when planning to get something worthwhile. Do not choose the easy way to get you there. He's doing something extraordinary.

Things are great when I'm not ...

It's okay to stop you from time to time. You do not have to pretend or always demonstrate that you are strong. You should not be concerned about what others think - crying, if you feel the need - it is healthy to tear your tears. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will be ready to smile again.

To blame others for your troubles

You will realize your dreams to the extent that you will take responsibility for your life. When you blame others for the things you are going through, give them control over those parts of your life.


Worries will not make tomorrow harder, but surely make today's day cheerful. To find out whether it is worth worrying about a situation, ask yourself the following: "Will this matter count over a year? Over three? Five? "If the answer is no, it's clear that you're worried.

Concentrating on what you DO NOT want to happen

Focus on what you want to happen. Positive thinking is the basic ingredient of any success story. If you wake up every morning thinking that something wonderful will happen to you on that day and you're a little careful, you will often notice that you were right.

To be ungrateful

However good or bad your life was until that moment, wake up in the morning and be happy to live. Someone somewhere struggles desperately to live. Instead of thinking about what lies behind you, think about what you have and miss them.

Time is precious

Life is too short to spend with people who do not deserve it. If someone wants you in his life, he'll take your place in it, you do not have to fight for a place there. Do not try to force yourself into the soul of someone who overlooks the value you have.

True friends

Always remember that true friends are not yours when you are happy, but those who are close to you when you are the hardest!

Be you, be authentic, be honest!


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