"Big Soul,"

Keep your positive thoughts because your thoughts turn into your words Keep your positive words because they turn into your actions Keep your positive actions because the actions turn into your skills Keep your positive habits for That they are transforming into your values. Keep your values positive because values turn into your destiny. "
By Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi dedicated his life to the goal of finding the truth. He was convinced that simplicity leads to spiritual and practical purity.

Gandhi believed that the center of every religion is love and truth. His thoughts and his philosophy have influenced the evolution of people on a spiritual and moral basis for years.

Next, we will bring near your souls the deepest thoughts that will help you have a meaningful life.

"Big Soul," so it is Mahatma.


People often become what I think they are. If I think I can not do anything, then it will make me incapable of doing that. But if I think I can, then I get the ability to do that even if I did not have this ability at first.

You do not have to lose your trust in humanity. Mankind is an ocean; If only a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not get dirty.

It always aims at a complete harmony of thought, word and deed. It always aims at purifying thoughts and everything will be fine.

The weak can not forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

You have no way to know the outcome of your future actions, but if you do not act you will not have any results.

Live as if you die tomorrow. Learn as if you live forever.

If you scream all of you. If you whisper just hear who's near you. If you stand still, only whoever loves you can hear you.

No matter what you do in life, it will be insignificant. But it's very important to do it.

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts turn into your words. Keep your positive words because they turn into your actions. Keep your positive actions because the actions turn into your skills. Maintain your positive skills as they turn into your values. Keep your positive values ​​as values ​​turn into your destiny.

If you do not begin to thoroughly study the past, the history of mankind, you will not have the tools to rebuild the present and realize the dreams of the future.

To offer a glass of water in return for a glass of water means nothing, the real greatness is to respond to evil doing good.

The future depends on what we are doing today.

We all want to change the world, but no one is willing to start with itself.

The earth offers enough to cover the needs of man, but not his greed.

They'll swear first. Then they will laugh at you. Then they'll call you crazy. Then they will try to compromise you. In the end, they will do their best to liquidate you. If you escape from all this, you will be a great man.

To teach that in life, it is easier to overcome hatred of love, lying with truth and violence with abnegation, should be a fundamental element in the education of any child.

Victory obtained through violence is the equivalent of a defeat because it is temporary.

Try to live as simple as others can live simply.

It is better to let life talk about us instead of words.

There are seven evils in the world: 1. knowledge without character; 2. wealth without work; 3. pleasure without conscience; 4. trade without morality; 5. science without humanity; 6. politics without principles and 7. worship without teaching.


"Truth must be found only in ourselves, but can not be found using violence against our enemies from outside."
By Mahatma Gandhi

Message of Peace

"Everyone has to find peace from within. And that the peace be real it must not be affected by external circumstances. "
By Mahatma Gandhi

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