Do you want to change the world? Think like Gandhi!

"You do not have to lose your trust in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; If only a few drops from the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. "

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing is enough to solve much of the world's problems."

"If I did not have the sense of humor, I'd have committed suicide for a long time." - Mahatma Gandhi


1.Change up

"You have to be the change you want from the world."
"As human beings, our greatness is not so much in being able to rebuild the world - that is the myth of the atomic era - in being able to restore ourselves."
If you change you, you will change the world. If you change how you think then you will also change how you feel and what actions you take. And so the world around you will change. Not just because you are now looking at the environment through new lenses of thoughts and emotions, but also because the inner change allows you to act in ways that you would not have done - or that you may not even have thought of - Normally, staying stuck in old patterns of thought.

  1. You hold control

"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."
The way you feel and how you react to something always depends on you. It can be a "normal" or ordinary way to react to different things. But that is all that is in greatness.
You can choose your thoughts, reactions and emotions for just about anything. You do not have to go crazy, exaggerate or even react in a negative way. Perhaps not every time or instant. Sometimes a spontaneous reaction is triggered. Or a thought of an old habit appears.
And while you realize that no one but you can really control what you feel, you can begin to include this thinking in your everyday life and develop it as a thought of a habit. A habit that you can make more and more powerful over time. Doing this makes your life much easier and more enjoyable.

  1. Pardon and forget

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. "
"Eye to eye only leads to a whole blind world."
Fighting evil against evil does not help anybody. As I said at the first point, you always choose how to react to something. When you can more and more include such a habit of thinking in your life, then you can react in a more useful way for yourself and others.
You realize that forgiveness and forgetfulness of the past will make you and the people around you a great service.
If you fail to forgive, then you allow the past or someone else to control how you feel. By forgiveness you release yourself from these obligations

  1. Without acting you do not get anywhere.

"A touch of practice is worth more than a ton of teachings."
Without acting you can not do much. However, doing something can be difficult and difficult. There may be a lot of inner strength.
And so you could use the teachings, as Gandhi says. Or study and read without stopping. And feel that you're moving forward. But with little or no practical results in real life.
So, to really get where you've been and to truly understand yourself and your world, you need to practice. Books can bring you the most wisdom. You need to act and transpose that wisdom into understanding and results.

5 Take care of the present moment

"I do not want to foresee the future. I'm concerned about taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the future. "
The best way we have discovered to overcome the inner resistance that stops us from acting is to stay as far as possible and accept.

  1. We are all human

"I pretend to be a simple man prone to mistakes, like any other mortal. However, I have the humility to confess my mistakes and to find my traces. "
"It is not wise to be too sure of your own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strong can weaken, and the wise can make a mistake. "
When you start creating myths from people - even if they have had extraordinary results - you risk disconnecting from them. You can start to feel like you can not accomplish the things they have done because they are so different. So it is important to remember that we are all people, no matter who is who.

7 It persists

"The first time you ignore, then laugh at you, then fight with you, then you win."
Be persistent. Over time, the opposition around you will quench and fall. And the inner strength and self-sabotage tendencies that want to keep you in place and stay the way you've always been going to lose weight.
Find what you really like to do. Then you will find the inner motivation to continue. One of the reasons why Gandhi succeeded in his non-violent method was because he and his supporters were so persevering. They simply did not give up.

  1. See the good of the people and help them

"I only see the qualities of the people. I am not without fault, so I will not assume I can examine the mistakes of others. "
"Man becomes great in proportion to the way he works for the good of his fellows."
"I assume that, at some point, she was driving a muscle; But today it means to understand people. "
And when you see good in people, it makes it easier to motivate yourself to be at their disposal. Being at the disposal of other people, giving them value, not only makes their lives better. In time, you tend to get what you give. And the people you help will feel more likely to help other people. And so, together, create an upward spiral of positive changes that grows and becomes stronger.

  1. Be compatible, authentic, be who you really are

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do is in harmony."
"It always aims at a complete harmony between thought, word and deed. It always aims at purifying thoughts and everything will be fine. "
People seem to really like genuine communication. There is much more inner pleasure when thoughts, words, and actions are aligned. You will feel strong and good about yourself.
When words and thoughts are aligned, then that will be how you communicate. Because now you have your own tone of voice and body movement - to someone say that's why 90% of your communication - to be in line with your words.
With these aligned channels, people tend to really listen to what you have to say. Communicate without feeling cramped, without mixed messages or possibly with a kind of fake.

  1. Continue to grow and evolve

"Continuous development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to keep his doctrines to appear constantly leads into a false position."
You can always improve your skills, habits, or re-evaluate your assessments. You can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world.
Of course, sometimes you may appear to be inconsistent or as if you do not know what you are doing. You may encounter difficulties in being compatible or communicating authentic. But if you do not do it now, then you will, as Gandhi said, lead you into a false position. A place where you try to keep your old opinions to look consistent while you realize inside that something is wrong. It's not a nice place to be. Choosing to grow and evolve is a happier and more useful way to go.
Gandhi's wisdom is related to the humility with which he existed.
The desire he has expressed is related to the actions he has made.
His realization is related to the perseverance he had.

Even the courageous Winston Churchill said of Gandhi: "He is the only person I'm afraid of and I do not want to see him again." Therefore, power, and not force, made Gandhi win.

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