Each day, each of us does ...

Every day, each of us makes a lot of choices that will have an impact on our lives. Some of these are of little importance and will influence us in the next few minutes, hours, or days, while others will completely change our course of life. Some choices are easier to make, others harder. Some will lead us directly to success, while others will bring us face to face with failure. Some will look tremendously important, while others will look completely insignificant. But what we need to know is that every choice, whether important or not, easy or difficult, that we take individually or collectively, changes our course of life.

The quality of our choices will decide if we fight frustration, or we will live an extraordinary life - the life of our dreams.

Our ability to make choices implies certain rights and freedoms. If we can choose, then we can determine what decisions we make about our bodies, health, relationships, finances and careers, our social lives, and our spiritual beliefs. The option allows us to choose, select, decide between the possible ways to follow. Let's go right or left. Let's go back or forth, be happy or sad, loving or hateful, satisfied or dissatisfied. The choice gives us the power to be successful or to be unfulfilled, to be good or extraordinary, to feel pleasure or pain. We can choose ice cream with chocolate or vanilla, we can work or play, save or spend, we can be responsible for our deeds or victims. We can be busy or not, loyal or not, disciplined or lazy.


We can go in a way that reflects our higher self, or one that reflects our inferior self, in the end, we are the ones we choose.

The thing that makes each of us special and distinguishes us from all other forms of life is the ability to weigh our options and make conscious, deliberate choices. The possibility of choosing could be our most valuable but ours. When we were younger, we were looking forward to reaching the age at which we would not have to do what we were told. We considered that this ability to make our own choices was an invaluable gift. We could hardly wait for the day when we no longer need to respect the rules of the parents that had been imposed upon us for years, and to lead our lives alone. We were waiting for the moment when we became free and masters on our own destiny, savoring that decisive moment, when we could choose when to wake up, when and what to eat, when to sleep - and when not to do all this. As young adults, the right to choose meant freedom. The ability to choose implies unlimited possibilities to create a future full of our dreams and desires. The choice offered us hope. He promised us a moving life - a life in which we would be free to think and create whatever we wanted. As young adults, we made choices because we were enthusiastic, because we felt good because they offered the promise of reward or reward.

When we are young, it is easy to say, "I will fulfill my dreams later" or "Next year will be my year of glory." Youth affords the luxury of believing that "someday" we will miraculously reach the destination of our dreams. Then something happens. We mature and the cruel reality tells the word: the day we've been waiting for will not come miraculously. Our present is based on the choices we made yesterday and those three days, three months, or three years ago. We do not get huge debts, because of one extravagant spending. We do not fatten ourselves for ten pounds, because we eat a large meal at one meal. And our relationships, of course, do not end overnight, after a single lighter dispute. We are where we are, because of the inappropriate subconscious choices we take absolutely every day and which form the reality we are in.


If we want to better understand how we created the present reality, we just have to see the choices we made in the past. Examination of the current conditions will prove to us that we have arrived where we are, following the results of the decisions taken yesterday, the day before and the previous days. Similarly, if we want to see how our life will be in the future, we must study the choices we make today. Perhaps we have never thought about our lives in this way. But it is certain that the future will depend on the decisions we make, right now. Then, which is why most of us spend so little time thinking about the choices they make? Why do we often not look in both directions before we start up and we do not weigh all the possible choices and their consequences? Our lives are not a gamble to which we have bad luck - nor are they so because of the parents, the husband or the boss. This also has advantages and disadvantages. The downside is that we are the only ones who are responsible for our lives. The advantage is that we - and only us - have the power to change our lives - and we can do it at any time.

It is quite simple: if we want our lives to be different, all we need to do is make other choices. Most of us continue to make the same choices from habit, comfort, fear or laziness, and then we wonder why we do not get different results. The truth is that we are so busy with survival that we do not even realize that our choices and actions do not lead us to the fulfillment of hopes and dreams. We are too preoccupied with the daily routine and we prefer to go the easiest, the most famous way or the least resistance - even if it leads us to a place where we do not really want to get there. Many of us are stumbling every day, trying to do everything they can without knowing and having the tools to change their course of life. Then we are amazed when we wake up and discover that for years we have been fighting for the same purposes and desires and we are still not where we would have wanted.


Most of us have lost sight of the relationship that exists between our choices and actions and their results, instead of taking responsibility for the present state of affairs, we become specialists in accusing others, considering them to be their fault when lives Ours are not as wonderful as we expected. We could even point our finger to others instead of seeing the choices we made and that have taken us exactly where we are today.

If we are not aware when we make choices, we will do nothing but repeat the patterns of the past. If you want to reach your goals and create the life you want, you will have to make other choices that will lead you to new actions [...]

The quality of our lives is the sum of all our decisions. In order to make quality decisions, we must see clearly. By asking questions about all the possible variants, we become more aware and we can see more clearly the possible outcomes of our actions. When you ask these questions during the decision-making process, you can immediately see if the decision you are about to take is an expression of your enlightened or dark side, if the choice comes from your hopes and dreams or fears and doubts. These questions give you the necessary wisdom, for what was previously unconscious, become conscious, so that you can choose with all the power that comes from the act of being fully conscious.

We all have an internal flame that is the keeper of our vital force. Every choice we make, or brings more strength, firming, lighting and feeding our flame, or diminishing this force, reducing the intensity of the flame and reducing its strength. When the inner fire is alive, we feel strong and confident. We have the strength and the courage to tell the truth, like the humility to ask for what we need. A healthy flame fills our minds with clear and inspiring images and gives us the strength to take into account our dreams and follow them. When we feed our inner fire, we can see it with great clarity, and we can act without straying out of the way. A strong flame pushes us to higher states of consciousness, where self-love and emotional freedom dwell.

But when the flames are small, we are vulnerable, weak and weak. We are fearful, susceptible and worried and we doubt our own powers. When the flames have not been cared for and fed, we are desperately seeking fulfillment in the things outside, we stop communicating with others, being afraid that we do not deserve to be loved and happy. When our flames are weak, we do not have a defensive system able to fight illness, doubt, care, lack of self-esteem, dependence or criticism. When our flame is low we expect others to feed our fire, because we did not. A small fire is weak and falls prey to continuous negative dialogues that infiltrate our minds.

Now I'm going to tell you something that will awaken you to reality: choices influence our behavior and actions. Every choice, or puts wood on our inner fire, or sprinkles it with water, thus diminishing its forces. If we want to shine in all our light, if we want to express ourselves in a genuine way, and we want the force to propel our goals into the world, the primary task must be to keep our internal fire - our vital force - stronger.

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