Famous quotes about positive thinking

Here are some positive thoughts expressed by illuminated minds in the history of mankind, without claiming to be the most important. However, this course is a beginning, a first step in the exploitation of this universal miracle that is the human mind.


So, there it is.
Rene Descartes

Give your fellows at least the smile of your day and your heart will warm up from the dance at some time.
N. Iorga

The joke unleashes the bigger problems, the better and the better than the stiff.

We know what we are, but we do not know what we can be.

Having a mind lighted by reason is the greatest virtue, and wisdom is to tell the truth and to work according to nature by listening to her voice.
Heraclitus in Ephesus

Whoever underestimates is unable to live alone.

Philosophy is the thinking microscope.

An uninterrupted series of small acts of will give a very big result.
C. Baudelaire

The easiest way to keep your void is to always go forward, not just in front of you.
H. F. Amiel

The happiest man is what makes the number of people happy.

She best liked her life that enjoyed her most.

Always do well with your peers. This will bring some thanks and give you all the others.
M. Twain

The power that man produced, when the monkey has not faced the circumstances, can produce a more accomplished being than the man, when it does not look at the height.
G.B. Shaw

Thousands of arms can not prevent the fall of a leaf - a thought detracts from the trail of the road.
A. Vlahuta

You can not cry and think at the same time, because every thought absorbs a tear.
J. Renard

Only those who break the chains and disintegrate the human consciousness are true people.
E. Heminguay

You never have to cry and discourage, you always have to sing and keep your forehead up.
E. Zola

If you want to become good, first realize that you are bad.

Walking invigorates thinking.
J. J. Rousseau

Optimists always heal.
Fr. Rabelais

Let him speak to him: be strong as a tower that does not shake anyway the wind blows.

Every man has a sun in it - it's all about letting him burn.

Start doing what you can do or what you dream about doing. Courage contains genius, power and magic.


When people fail, when they feel frustrated, angry or discouraged, this is because they do not see things as they really are. When they clear their vision and when they begin to see the truth, they start to be successful and happy.
We perceive our minds abundant or poverty, we open or defend ourselves according to them, and in this manner we create a life that imitates exactly what we perceive. We should perceive the well-being of life that we create for others as well as for ourselves.
Dr. Black
When the purpose of your life is fixed to the height and you are in the despair of the valley, then you will be able to see the flashes of hope in the distance. Fight with force and turn the rocks down the road in stone steps. Climb and go out to the shining light of success. Your goal and the passion that flows from it is what will force you to act, no matter how hard it can become life.
If you want to be successful, then surround yourself with people who know how to succeed in life.
If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him to fish, you feed him for all his life.
It's not important how small you are, it's important how big you want it to be.
It's impossible to fly like an eagle if you just surround yourself with crows.
John Kalench
Man always gets what he thinks.
Man is not the creature of circumstances, but his thoughts are their architect. A character man knows how to build a harmonious life from the given circumstances. He hardly endures and perseveres continuously and never looks back, but turns his eyes with courage, forever. He is not afraid of obstacles, he never makes bad blood and he does not get angry, he is not disappointed and he is always full of vigor, energy, power and vitality. He is always enthusiastic and zealous.
Little courtesy, small benevolent acts, a smile at the right time, a little consideration and goodwill - all this, routinely practiced in your current relationships, give your personality a greater charm than you could ever bring great speeches From high stands and conferences, orators or any other kind of personal talent show.
Oh, man! If you fill your lamp only with water, you will never be able to waste the darkness. Therefore, always fill it with the pure oil of the right thoughts. May they become a torch that will illuminate your path.
Never despair, for darkness can exist without light. There is always a sublime response to any human need. All things become possible for the one who believes in the possibility.
Oh, man! Look up in the right direction and use only the laws of truth. He only gives positive thoughts. A holy thought is like an inner voice. She speaks to you when the tongue is silent. It struggles and emerges serenely, overcoming any obstacle, and then no power on earth will be able to suppress it for a long time.
By your own thought you build the universe around you. The inexorable law of action and reaction is such that what you are hosting in the most mysterious drawer of your heart will shape your form in your outer life.

Your life has three aspects: one physical, one mental and one spiritual. Why do you just attach to the physical appearance with tenacity? Raise yourself above the physical sensations and the desires of the senses and cultivate the thought that you are not just the physical body, but you only have your home in this temple for a short period of time.
Raise yourself above the ephemeral balloon with which you now identify, for it will soon break and you will remain unlit in your very essence. Cultivate your essence and refine it, for here lies your inner truth. Subjective action only works in the world of thought. Watch to find the objective reality that transcends this world.
Sends a steady, full-fledged mental flow to the whole creation. May the motivation underlying each of your thoughts be only love and compassion.
All your states of happiness or unhappiness, paradise or inferno are just the effects of your thoughts.
If you want to live a long and healthy life always only good thoughts, for subtle and almighty are their influences in building and rebuilding your physical body. Every good thought stimulates the heart, improves the digestive system and promotes the smooth functioning of the glands.
If you are happy inside, any aspect of the outside world appears to you to be wonderful and enjoyable.
As the beauty of a tree grows immeasurably in the blooming season, so will your power, intellect and brilliance increase proportionally to your positive thoughts. The thoughts of the wise man are completely different from those of ordinary people. The state of detachment and lucidity from which the positive thinking emanates is the one that gives true liberation. Proper thinking will generate a fair action and a harmonious life.
The one who cultivates a character reaps a destiny. Man is the master of his own destiny. He can control his destiny by the power of thought. Similarly, the current destiny can be changed. It depends only on man, for all the faculties, energies and powers are latent in him; They must only be manifested in plenary and man will become free and great.
The thoughts of joy, good mood and courage cure, comfort, irritate the irritation, and greatly increase the efficiency of being a multiplication of mental powers. That's why you will never lose good mood. You smile and shave all the time.
You keep in your hands the whole power of choosing your thoughts and thus attracting the influences you want to yourself. Use this power and do not limit yourself to being brave creatures struck by the waves of random circumstances. Remember that "man is what he thinks."
Happy and happy people are a blessing to society, because they bring happiness to others.
As the sun continues to turn every drop of water out of the earth into the vapor, and these vapors rise together and form the clouds, so all the pure thoughts you design will rise into the mental space, they will meet the thoughts Similarly issued by those who resemble you, and in the end these divine thoughts will descend like a mental rain of overwhelming force to destroy the evil forces.

Virtues such as honesty, respect for truth and self-improvement through sustained effort are the ideal sources for the acquisition of mental power. Purity leads to wisdom and immortality.
Will is the dynamism of the soul's strength. When it operates, all the mental powers come together: the power of judgment, memory, understanding, conversation, reason, discrimination, reflection and deduction.
Clarify your ideas always and ever. Practice insight into loneliness. Purify your thoughts, then calm them down. Do not allow your mind to wander. Focus on one thought, it will calm your mind. Only then allow one to think of penetrating, eliminating any other mental waves that have no direct connection with him.
A thought of joy creates by resonance similar thoughts in the minds of others. The birth of a positive thought is a powerful antidote that can counteract any negative thought. That is why, by practicing positive thinking, we will gain a great creative power.
Peace and mental calm can be attained only by the complete elimination of pride and worry. Through lucidity and discernment all unnecessary worries can be avoided. Relax for 15 minutes. In a comfortable posture and meditate on courage, joy, beatitude, peace and joy.
Smash the flowers and grasses, befriend your neighbors, dogs, cats, cows, people, trees, with every creature of nature. Your life will then become perfect and rich in endless satisfactions,
Adopting an attitude of the kind: "In my mental vocabulary there are no expressions such as can not, impossible, difficult, etc. Everything is possible under the sun." - nothing will be difficult. Your will will become more and more powerful and will bring you a lightning success in everything you do and especially in your attempt to conquer your own mind.
A lazy (passive) mind is the devil's favorite home. Avoid gossip and useless talk.
Swami Shivananda

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