Friendship is the love of a healthy soul towards another healthy soul.

Friendship is holy, pure, innocent, faithful, unchangeable, sincere, fearful, true, eternal. Friendship is a virtue, because it has its place in the ethos and the good education of the healthy soul; For it is united only by virtue, and is loving to virtue, and humiliating it, and remaining with it forever. Friendship, as a virtue, is attracted to what is like it, and rests in the virtues that are related.


Friendship is the connection between similar souls. It is a passion for the righteous soul, which is connected by a strong love of those who are dear to them, uniting in desire, in a single reality, the souls that by their nature tend to be separated. Friendship has a steady ethos that does not make concessions. Friendship is a sort of moral pleasure that sweetens the soul. Friendship endures anything, through compassion and solidarity. Aristotle said: "Friendship is a soul that lives in two bodies."

Friendship is stronger than love born of kinship, for love in kinship is the fruit of necessity, while friendship belongs to free choice. Friendship imposes piety on what friends regard as holy, life-saving, integrity in moral habits, fidelity to character, determination in decisions, sincerity in words, boldness in sustaining what is right, and Useful in telling the truth. Friendship is grounded in the welfare and happiness of two good people, because friendship can not be born through nature rather than good people. Platon says:

"Friendship is harmony in the mind, in terms of good and right bad, the choice of the same way of life, the same way of thinking about life choices and deeds, unity in consciousness regarding coexistence in respect, fellowship both Both good and bad ".


There are three kinds of friendship: in accord with virtue, interest and habit, but the best is in accord with virtue; Because the most stable love is the one founded on virtue.
(From: St. Nektarios of Eghina, "Know Yourself or About Virtue", Sophia Publishing House, 2012, pp. 328-330)

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