Getting out of friendship is like getting the sun out of the world.


The foundation of this stability and the founders we seek in friendship is good faith; For everything that is insincere is unstable. In addition, it is appropriate to choose an open friend close to a full agreement with us, that is, having the same inclinations as we do.
All this contributes to fidelity; Indeed, a changing and complicated thread can not be faithful, nor does one who does not have the same inclinations as ourselves and does not fit us like a yarn and can not be sure or stable.
We must add to this that a friend should not like to blame his buddy or believe the accusations brought to him by others; All of this is important for steadiness, a subject that I will continue to develop. This is what I said at first, that there can be friendship only among the good ones. Indeed, it is an attribute of the good man, whom we can call and wise, to observe these two rules of friendship:

  • first there is no trace of lies in it;
  • Secondly, not only to reject the unfair accusations brought by someone, but not himself to be suspicious.
    Here is a harder question if sometimes we have to prefer friends worthy of friendship, old ones. But our new friends, if they make us hope, just as non-deceitful plants, that they will yield fruit, must not be rejected either, yet the old ones have to preserve their wealth.
    Usually the value of friendship must be judged when the character has formed and the person has matured; If some, in their first youth, were passionate about hunting with ball, they should not have as intimate friends the ones they cherished because they also had the same passion.
    Also, in friendship, it can be rightly recommended that an unqualified affection - which happens very often - does not stand in the way of special interests of friends. Friendship sneaks, we do not know how, in everyone's life, and does not allow any kind of existence to miss her.


Friendship - Gold we search for it in fire, and friends in times of restraint;
Do not hurry to make friends with someone; But if you are friends, seek to remain faithful to them; (Isocrates 438-338)

Getting out of friendship is like getting the sun out of the world. For I have not received anything better from immortal gods, nothing more pleasant than friendship.

  • Friendship is only a perfect agreement of feelings about the divine and human ones, united by mutual benevolence and love. And I believe that, by wisdom, the gods did not make man a more beautiful gift;

  • True friendships are eternal;

  • To have a friend is to have another eu. To live and love is the same thing

  • Friendship is the harmony of humanity with the divine; (Cicero 107-44 BC)

  • True friendship is what you die with, or for whom you get to die.

  • The law of pleasure that a friend can do to another is that one forgets once he gave and the other always remembers he received.

"Nothing but will thank you as a sincere and faithful friendship. How good it is when you can find a sincere heart, to which you can safely entrust all your secrets, which are more indulgent to you than you yourself, to make your worries worse by its pleasant speech, whose advice to make clear to you, Whose gladness to scatter your grief, whose glance can only shine your face and rejoice in your joy. (Seneca 4-65)

  • I can not be both a friend and a flatter;

  • Among the many reasons that can prevent us from having a friend (true), one of the most important is to seek to have too many friends (Plutarch 50-125)

  • I have my friend in me and I am with him. (Toma D'Aquino 1225 1274)

  • Today's friends are like watermelons: you must try 50 to get a good one. (Guy Du Pibrac 1529-1584)

  • Try your friends, pick up your soul with steel links.

  • My good master, what's your disorder? You're hiding your chains when you hide your troubles from a friend (Shakespeare 1564-1616)

  • However rare, true love is still less rare than true friendship (La Rochefoucauld 1613-1680)
    What is a friend? How can you have it? How do you keep it? Why we have
    Need friends?

"The true friend shows itself when you need it". A real friend is
The one who, in case of need, helps you, is the one who stays with you
When everybody leaves you. The best friends must be
Parents, brothers, close relatives. But ... most of the time, no
is as! Why? Some young people do not want the oldest company
Than they do not seek friends among the well-seen in society.
Later they will pick up what they sow!

"Tell me who you join with, to tell you who you are!" Long, but
true! It is good for teenagers to ask for help from their parents
To choose your friends. Some say, "I'm tired of the cicale
At home, permanently someone to reproach me that I do not really dress like, like
I'm not punctual, I'm getting less and less at school, etc. What's all
Will the others from me? So much "accounting", so much control! Of
I can not handle it myself ... My friends are the ones who
Listen to the same music as me, have the same outfit and have fun
Like the world! That is all!"

"Whoever makes many friends makes them to his misfortune!" friends
I'm with the pile when you have money, car, honor, fame and
Envied appearance. But it is enough for an accident that you
And you are ... lonely! Only then do you see who your friend was

A real friend can comment on you
Behavior (but not in public). If you hold on to him, you have to
researchers. The relationship takes a long time to consolidate.
There are young people who say that if they saw a boy or a girl just one
The one time, they also became friends. Love at first glance is

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