Good people, nature is life.

What is nature? Nature is the material world, the organic or inorganic world, the totality of beings and things in the universe, the surrounding physical world, including vegetation, relief forms, climate.
Interactions of life with the environment is a science called Ecology.
So ECOLOGIA? Can be defined as the science of interaction between organisms, the interaction of living matter with terrestrial bark, biological productivity, and human relationships with nature.
God blessed us with a beautiful nature, nor could she be more beautiful than that. A nature that gives us many things we need. In one word, nature gives us life, the life we ​​need. But is it Does man have nothing to give to nature?

The world we live in has a lot of problems, even too many. One of the main problems is pollution. Why just in recent decades people have turned their attention to an extremely important issue: environmental degradation through pollution, erosion and other phenomena due to The will or no action of man, a process that affects not only the possibilities of purchasing food, but also other aspects of human existence, starting with health.


We all depend on the thin and fertile layer of the Earth's surface, from where we extract all the resources necessary for life. For ignorance, greed, neglect or other causes, man tends to endanger his life's source. Millions of hectares of production Are becoming unfit for cultivation because of all man's action. Hundreds of millions of hectares of productive soils are "devoured" by roads, factories and cities, and that's when man started fighting against nature.

From the first tree, until now, the forests have lost more than half of their extent. The time when people multiplied by hundreds or even thousands of times.Distruction of forests, which are due to the highest The degree of stability and quality of three fundamental elements of people's lives: soil, air and water, has resulted in disastrous effects over time. The defects also have a negative role for nature. Reindustriation is still a word too new and its effects too small to redeem the mistake that caused the disappearance of half of the existing trees on the planet.
The forest exerts the most powerful purifying action on the air, absorbing carbon dioxide and returning it in the form of both the necessary oxygen. In a word, without enough forests, development and, ultimately, life itself is not possible.


The most widespread materials are garbage. Usually the garbage road ends at the outskirts of the city, in existing pits or in virgin places where it accumulates in huge piles accepted as inevitable servitude, wishing the landscape, polluting the soil, air and groundwater. More serious is that much of this garbage, especially plastic, is extremely resistant to bacterial action and practically does not recycle naturally. Other elements that lead to pollution of nature: by burning almost eight billion tons Of conventional fuels annually throw into the atmosphere about one billion and a half tons of ash, dust and gas. Besides combustion of fuels: coal, oil, wood, natural gas - similar problems create other industries, especially chemical, metallurgy, some branches of construction The machinery, the alumni industry, etc. - like the circulation of cars, airplanes, trains, vapors, etc.
If the air, as it is, can be breathed for free for the time being, it is not the same with drinking water, which for a long time has a price. And it is still growing. What water, this second element in the human urgent order , By air, it has also become an industrial product. Near huge cities and industrial plants, there are huge facilities for "treating" natural waters, by decanting, filtering, seriglization, etc.

The world's population has only about 1 percent of the freshwater, that is, rivers, rivers, lakes, and some groundwaters for its personal consumption and economic activities. The thing is that 97 percent of the water The world is salty, and the rest of the 3 percent is mostly in glaciers. In the pollution, the share of household and industrial wastewater is overwhelming. If air pollution the symbol image is provided by the "perforated" Acidic "water pollution, the characteristic expression could be considered the" black tides ", ie the pollution, practically continuous, with the oil of the seas and oceans of the world, having disastrous effects on marine flora and fauna.


The world is in constant pollution. So until we can still sleep without thinking about this problem, which day passes more and more negatively influences nature, that is, the house where we live and carry out our daily activities .What can you do with this problem? Who can help, who can give a helping hand? Well the answer is very simple, the people, we all, we live in this wonderful world. From the least to the greatest we can help nature, we rather help us by helping nature. But first of all we must stop all The things that lead to the destruction of nature. We need to inform people who, perhaps from ignorance, destroy nature.
Even in kindergartens and schools, we should discuss this theme: nature. Children can play an important role in protecting nature. We have to make them understand and guide them to beautiful and important things for their lives.

We see hundreds of leaflets and posters in election campaigns, but I do not really see any related to nature and its protection. People do not value this theme, I'm afraid it will be too late when they get to reality and realize The importance of nature in their lives.
I know I'm not the only one who loves nature, but I'm sure there are too few who understand and know what this means to humanity.


From T-shirts printed with pictures and sayings like: Protect Nature! Or Nature is your home !, leaflets about the environment in which we live and who surrounds us, from planting trees in parks or collecting garbage from public places, from streets or other places to informing people by all possible methods, or Why not the introduction of new materials about nature and its protection in schools. The Tv-poles that have the main theme of theme are too little watched by today's young people, and why not by most people.

Ideas and solutions are many of us, but when will we have the power and resources to say STOP pollution and the destruction of nature? Many should ask us how long can we live like this?
My opinion that people should understand and know what is SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT or ECODESIGN.


Having said that, I can only say to you: Good people, nature is not only our home, nature is life.

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