"Happiness is a great thing that does not fit into a small soul"

The whole of Western education, and not only, develops into the minds of men a colossal error. Most people come to be convinced that if they are successful in one area or another they will be happy. If you learn well, you get a good faculty, if you get to a good faculty, then you can get a good job. If you have a good job you have a good chance of finding the best relationship and finally being so happy. Happiness is farther away from the horizon. This is absurd and unproductive not to say that it is a huge stupidity or a huge trick. They condition the happiness of fulfilling external conditions and work on the dogs to succeed, hoping to be happy in the end. Look at the "successful" people - not to be happy! They also had a success there after months and years of work, and they were happy for an hour, then quickly returned to their state of frustration, stress, unhappiness with another target to reach it. Such an error is propagated today, knowingly, through all educational and informational systems.


The reality is exactly the opposite. If you are happy, you are successful! If you are happy, you work better! If you are happy, think more deeply! Be first happy and then you will also get the desired success. Be always happy with what you have and do not condition the happiness of what you want to get. Be happy that you are alive, that you are healthy, that you have friends. Anyone can find some good reasons for being happy. But it is best to be happy without a particular reason. Be thankful. You do not have to have a good relationship with a certain man to be happy. Be happy and you will have many quality relationships! Find your way to wake up happy in the morning, to be happy during the day, to fall asleep happily in the evening, and countless successes in your life.

Happiness is our true nature and it does not need anything to express itself, to manifest itself in and through us. The problem is that as we grow, we learn from others to condition the happiness of all sorts of outer and / or inner things. And we get to condition it so much that she even faces great difficulties in making her feel. The way to happiness is the way we release our minds from all the conditions we have burdened with. Being happy is something natural, nature is the very nature of man. To be unhappy is a problem, even a big problem, but most of them still learn to solve it and succeed in being unhappy, despite their own. It is said that Jesus did the miracle of the resurrection, but for whatever he knows, the miracle was not to resurrect, but to die! So, if you have achieved the performance of being unhappy in most of the time, it's good to know that this has been a great deal of effort, and if you have been able to do it, then you are now able to begin the reverse process of deconditioning Happiness, let it express itself freely.

Happiness is alive. Point. With soul and soul. It is a state of mind that can only be felt and lived, not narrated. Usually happy are those who give, those who know to give unconditionally. Mothers, artists and saints are People happy by excellence. It is true that today it is harder, but not impossible, to be happy. Because we relate more to material values ​​than to spiritual values. It is a delicate subject that everyone should meditate until he gets to talk with himself It is the hardest battle of life ... because you are in both camps! It is the moment when you have to choose between the peace (silence) of your soul and the loud monkey of your head ... that tumble of thoughts that urge you Distract attention) always choose the wrong ways. Most of us choose to conform to the rules of modern humankind's system, for fear of being self-inflicted, marginalized by it. We pretend only to be happy ... to give good. I know, it's also an art ... but life can not Name.From the saying "happiness is a great thing that does not fit into a small soul"

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