I prefer to have roses on the table than diamonds on my neck.

The King of Flowers has inspired, over time, many art people. From William Shakespeare to Walt Disney, the great artists of the world included this flower in their works or, in one way or another, they paid tribute to them. So today we chose some quotes about roses that will insinuate everybody's day and who may remember people why rose was and still is a symbol of love.

Man cultivates a thousand roses without finding the thing he is looking for, when he can actually find him in one rose. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Remembering a love is like evoking the rose perfume in a cellar: the image of the rose you can have, but the perfume does not - Arthur Miller

An optimist sees the rose without thorns, the pessimist only sees the thorns, forgetting the rose. - Khalil Gibran

Do not scent the fragrant rose. - Pythagoras

A red rose is not selfish just because it wants to be red rose. It would be selfish if she wanted all the flowers in the garden to be red and all to be roses. - Oscar Wilde

Woman is a heavenly rose in earthly life. - Schiller

Spring gives fire to nature with roses. - Victor Hugo

Poetry - the rose growing in the golden cup, the beautiful soul. - Mihai Eminescu

The Rose,
The imperishable rose that I do not want,
Hard of odors,
The black garden rose in the night,
The one in any garden and any insertion,
The rose rising from the light
Ashes through the art of alchemy,
The rose of Persians and Ariosto,
The one always alone,
Always the rose of roses,
Young platonic flower,
The burner and the blind rose that I can not,
The untouched rose. - Jorge Luis Borges


Life is hope of the still unfinished rose. - John Keats.

If Zeus wanted to give a queen of flowers, the rose would rule over all. - Sappho

Shakespeare: Place of meeting a rose with a secure. - Emil Cioran

I can not figure out if people have a tendency to cultivate roses or cultivate roses that make people work. - Roland A. Beowne

Whoever does not see death in the colors of the roses is touched by a heart dalton. - Emil Cioran

The hope of secrecy when you unpack a rose is to find under the petals a face. - Lucian Blaga

I'll collect for you
The last rose in the garden,
White rose blooming
Along with the fog.
The avid bees visited him
until yesterday,
But it's still so sweet
That it infuriates.
It's a portrait with you at thirty,
A little amnesic, how will you be then. - Attilio Bertolucci

A rose dreams of attracting bees, but none appear. The sun asks, "Are you tired of waiting?" "Yes, the rose responds. But if I close my petals, I'm offended. "So even if she did not look, we kept waiting. - Paulo Coelho

I'd rather have roses on the table than diamonds on my neck. - Emma Goldman

You can complain that bushes with roses have thorns, or you can rejoice that bushes with spines have roses. - Abraham Lincoln

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