"If the house of happiness were to be built, the largest room would be the waiting room ...".

Some time ago I read a text that for some reason remained in my memory. It sounds like this: "If the house of happiness were built, the biggest room would be the waiting room ...". Is that so? Today everyone is looking to be happy. Everyone is trying to do as many things in life as to give them the right to say they are happy. Most are not happy with what they have, they want more, they complain they do not have enough money, they do not have the comfort, the job or the opportunities they would like to have. Nothing is enough for them. They struggle to be happy, to find that wave of pleasure that they can give to fulfillment, to get to where they no longer need anything and happiness would fill the atmosphere with its fragrant atoms. That's how all these people believe in happiness, I want it with all the hearts of their soul, and if they find it, if they have the chance to touch it, they would crush it in a blink without realizing it That they have destroyed her in the crazy and unforgiving pursuit of happiness. This word exists in the dictionary of every language on the globe, but in none of these dictionaries is its true meaning specified.


I understand that happiness is not really a destination, something to which you must aspire, something that you have to get at any cost in life. Happiness is the way you live your life, in what you do day by day, in the people you love, in your attitude to everything that surrounds you, in how often you smile in how often You look up to heaven and you say it's a beautiful day although it's cloudy, how often do you see a crying child and wonder what you can do to erase tears, how often do you see a friend with problems and you immediately In mind the desire to help him out of the stumbling block, in how often you allow yourself to go for a walk just to admire the wonders given by God in this world, how often do you say and think you are happy no matter how much trouble ... This would be the definition of happiness that I think deserves to appear in all the dictionaries of our lives.


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