"In the soul of man, faith is neighbor to love."

In the soul of man, faith is neighbor to Love. There is a very close, good-neighborly relationship between Faith and Love. If you believe in something or someone you get to love that or that person. If you love someone or something you believe in that person or something. Normally, when you no longer believe in someone or something, you do not even love that person or something. If you do not love something or someone you can not believe in that or somebody. It is difficult to say which of the two manifests itself first - Faith or Love, but this is a false matter because what matters is to believe and to love, to love and to believe.


In most situations, Love and Faith work together, manifest together, mutter, and almost confuse one another. But there are situations where Faith and Love remain separate, each in her home, respecting each other, but without going anywhere. In the souls of men, still unhealed and not completely enlightened by the light, Love and Faith may manifest itself separately, in turn, and possibly in different directions. There are situations where you can love a lot of someone without believing in that person, just as you can believe in someone without loving that person. Do not worry if you are going through such situations. You just have patience.


If at least one of the two extraordinary powers animates your soul, then things are on a good path. Sooner or later the two will intertwine and merge, manifesting together as is normal. We only have to be patient to cleanse the soul of who knows what remains of black thoughts, sadly buried among memories, scarred pains on the bark of the cells. Either Faith or Love will be able to heal all of this and make it possible to work together for the joy of the soul and the world.

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