Life goes on...

Forget about regrets

Leave regrets and mistakes in the past. They have never defined you and you do not have to do it now. When you live in the past, you get stuck and you are unable to move on. All people are mistaken, whether it's jobs, friends or relationships. The consequences of uninspired election can be quite dramatic. You must learn how to leave these experiences behind and start living today. Forgive yourself and move on.


Learn from failure

Learning from mistakes and having regret are two different things. Regret is an emotion; A sense of disappointment accompanied by some shame or guilt. But when you analyze the circumstances and figure out what went wrong then you have very precious information. This review allows you to evaluate what worked, what did not work, and especially why it did not work. Usually, when you take a step back you look at things more objectively, which allows you to make better choices so you can move on


You're not alone. Maybe sometimes you feel like this, but there are a lot of people who would give you a helping hand if you ask for it. All you have to do is ask. I can help your work colleagues, friends, neighbors, etc. Often people are afraid to ask for help because they do not think they deserve to be helped. But a little help can get you out of the way, put you on your feet, and so you can move on.

Believe you deserve it

No matter what your purposes, dreams or desires are worth touching. The closer you get to them, the faster your enemy begins to squeeze into your mind, telling you that you are not worth enough to have them. Replace these thoughts that limit you to true ones - you deserve to have everything your heart wants and do not stop by until you get the things you want.

Take full responsibility

Except for rare and unfortunate circumstances, you are responsible for the quality of your life. Your career, relationships and your own happiness are under your control. Sometimes, after you've earned a strong shot, you choose not to do anything because that way seems easier and less painful to you. But by doing so, you only do to mute the real pain. Because you have to live with a doubt. You have to live with that inner voice, with the wisdom in you that tells you you quit too fast and you have not struggled enough. And this voice is right. It is your decision, therefore, to rise up and move on.

Know what you want

It's not about how you get what you want, but just why you want it. In order to go forward there must be a strong foundation on which to take the first step. Understanding those and where you want to reach will provide you with vision and spirit - that is the firm foundation you need. How you get what you want - it will reveal itself when you know what you want to move on.


There are no insignificant accidents. When you get a heavy blow that lies down to the ground, be careful of the reasons and their significance. Open your heart and trust that everything happens for a reason. Maybe it was a test for your determination or to be drawn to the fact that you are on the wrong track. In any case, trust that everything has happened for good reason and be open to make the necessary adjustments to continue.

Want more

How much do you want to reach your goal? How hard do you want to get what you are struggling hard to get? When you are hit hard you have the opportunity to answer this question. It's one thing to say you want something or be someone. But go through the pain, get up and go further knowing that other suffering is waiting for you, it is a test for your determination and the desire to get where you long. When you rise up, you answer the question; There is no doubt that you will continue to move on.

Keep your faith

Belief: The belief that something exists even if there is no evidence.
At the end of the day when you are exhausted from all your efforts and you are out of energy, when you are tired and angry that you have received so many strokes and your dream is not realized, one thing urges you to continue the journey; To wake up tomorrow and take it from the end - faith. Honor it, welcome it with joy. Faith makes us human. It gives us energy and hope. And if you allow it, your faith will give you whatever you want for life.

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