... Love and naive ...

In love there are no units of measure, pride, selfishness, reproaches ...
Love is love, you give without waiting to receive anything in return,
Accept the beloved person as he is, with his fools, qualities and defects
You love .... no judges !!!!
The more you judge .... the less you love!

"Do we still know to love naive, innocent, to offer everything in our love or are we always grinded by constraints and resentments? And if we still love, naive, what to love? We can love the world, we can love the moment, the ones near We can love everything.


But the pleasure of offering love involves the risk of being hurt, of being hated ... the misunderstanding of the others can make us not love anything ... but, after all, love for her and for a moment deserves all These risks of failure. For, always looking for a middle way, between loving "crazy" and not being hurt, we will not really love anything. "

By O .Paler

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