
Many people say life is what you want it to be, that you drive it, but it's not true, it leads you because you make many wrong or right decisions but still things are not as you want. We have to take advantage of it, because it is unique and extraordinary, it gives us both the joy and sadness that we have to go through without choosing. We humans are like a star that is born and burns, being brighter as we have accumulated more light, we have a lightning time that we give it every moment. The greatest fear we have is fear of security and lack of love. Life in general is about soul, love, love, fulfillment. A soul is born with a purpose, that is the purpose of understanding love, fulfilling dreams and following the destiny. Fighting with the obstacles of life to lead to success ... you are the meaning of life. Life generally has a sense in which I try to find and follow it.
The meaning of my life is even going through it. Is it hard, easy? Anyway, I know one thing: good people who benefit from life, mock the one next to you, enjoy every moment, and in the morning when you wake up, be happy to see the light of the sun. For me and you, every day of life must be wonderful
And let us not forget these words:

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