Mother's love

I now think of the love of the mother, which seems to me to be the purest form of love, except for the love of God for us. Our mother awaits us before we conceive, before we are born and even before birth is born. Because being a mother is written by God in the DNA of every woman, forever.

Then, during the birth, it hurts, it struggles, it collapses and weeps. And we are born weeping for her and all the pain she has suffered. Because, somehow, her pain hurts us too. But she does not let us hurt anything. Even when we do not know what hurts or what we want, she knows for us. She feels for us and hopes for us.

He teaches us patiently to go, ask, thank, pray, keep us safe, and especially enjoy. For the mother's smile is the first sign that love exists and we must enjoy it.


During this time, the mother, concerned with our peace and health, forgets it. Forget that he is a man, forget about it, forget about death, forget about all fears until then, without forgetting to love. All that has been until then, mother leaves them for us involuntarily. From the immense love for the broken part of her that swings in her arms. That little hope that everything that had the best and the nicest in it would grow and smile back to her.

But he does not expect anything in return. He does not want prizes, rewards or medals. Everything is in her soul, everything is natural and natural, so no matter how hard it is, nothing can bother her. Nothing leaves her hopeless.

Slowly, we grow. We learned to eat ourselves, we learned to take an extra coat when it's cold and we start to see that the world is bigger than the mother. Practically speaking, since nothing soul on earth is greater than the mother's soul.

In the way of our lives, gradually surrounded by friends, blinded by personal needs, always looking for and discovering their own meaning, enchanted by vices or fame, fortune or success, we forget about the one who did not stop for a moment to love us. This is how we forget about our mother, as we sometimes forget about God.

Mother - who looked impotent as we slowly, with time, took our flight out of her nest, after she had taught us to fly, eat and feed us with all that she had best. The one who knows our childish soul despite our impressions of greatness and maturity. The one that expects us to always come back, no matter how far we go from her and her soul.

Mom is the one who teaches that love does not ask for anything and does not expect anything. What's more, she loves us knowing she will not get anything in return. The one who understands in small things all the mysteries of life.

Mom - the one for which, the greatest satisfaction of her life is our smile, no matter how far we go to her ...

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