"My cat does not talk to me as respectfully as I talk to her."

"A kitten is so flexible that you have the impression that it is double, the back of the body is equivalent to another kitten with which the front part is playing. The cat does not have a tail that belongs to it until you step on it . " Henry David Thoreau

"Happiness is like a cat, if you try to lure it or call it, it will avoid you, but it will never come, but if you do not give it a little attention and you see it, you will find it rubbing Your feet and your skirt in your lap. " William Bennett

"By collapsing in the garden behind the house or lanceing beside the fire, the cat remains, however, just a mustache away from the wild." Jean Burden

"I love cats because I feel good in my house, and slowly they become their soul visible." Jean Cocteau

"The smallest of the felines is a masterpiece." Leonardo Da Vinci

"The cat: A lion pig that loves mice, hates dogs and patronizes human beings." Oliver Herford

"There are no ordinary cats." Colette

"An ordinary kitten puts out more questions than any five-year-old child." Carl Van Vechten

"As any cat owner knows, nobody can own a cat." Ellen Perry Berkeley


"God created the cat for man to be able to care for the tiger." Fernand Mery

"Of all the creatures of the Lord, there is only one that can not be made a slave to the whip, that is the cat." If man could be crossed with a cat, man would have improved but would damage the cat. " Mark Twain

"The cat has too much spirit to have no heart." Ernest Menaul

"To make a bath of a cat, it requires brutal force, perseverance, persuasiveness ... and a cat. The last ingredient is usually the hardest to get." Stephen Baker

"Cat people are different in the sense that they are generally non-conformist. How could it be, since their life is driven by a cat?" Louis J. Camuti

"Some people say cats are devious, diabolical and cruel. True ... and they have other exceptional qualities." Missy Dizick

"Cats know how to get food without work, shelter without limitation of freedom and love without punishment." W.L. George

"Cats seem to go on the principle that it never hurts to ask what you want." Joseph Wood Krutch

"If you are worthy of her affection, a cat will be a good friend of yours, but never a slave." Theophile Gautier

"Many of us prefer our cats to show a drop of weakness. I will never feel quiet in the company of any cat entering my house with a holy expression." Beverly Nichols

"It is very difficult to get a cat's affection. It is a philosophical animal ... one that does not put its affection anywhere." Theophile Gautier

"A cat has her own opinion about human beings. Do not say too much, but you can tell yourself that you do not want to hear the whole truth." Jerome K. Jerome

"The problem with cats is that they have no tact." P. G. Wodehouse

"Who can believe there is no soul behind such bright eyes?" Theophile Gautier

"My cat does not talk to me as respectfully as I talk to her." Colette

"If a dog jumps in your lap, it's because he loves you, but if a cat does the same, it's because your lap is warmer." Alfred North Whitehead

"In antiquity, cats were revered as gods, and they never forgot this." Unknown author

"Cats are smarter than dogs. You can not convince eight cats to shoot a sled on the snow." Jeff Valdez

"I love pigs, dogs look down on us, cats look up, pigs treat us like peasants." Sir Winston Churchill

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