"Positive thinking, unlike the negative one, will make you do better." Zig Zaglar

William James: "The most important discovery of my generation is that people can change their mind by changing their thinking"

Earl Nightingale: "Your world is the living expression of the way you use and use your mind."

William Shakespeare "Things are not good or bad in themselves, our thinking makes them so."

Earl Nightingale "You are and become what you think."

Charles Popplestone "You can not always control the circumstances. But you can control your own thoughts. "

Benjamin Disraeli "Feed your mind with great thoughts."

Napoleon Hill "The mind can get what it conceives and believes."

Ralph Waldo Emerson "A man is what he thinks all day."

Jeff Keller "If your thoughts do not change, the results you get will not change."

Ella Wheeler Wilcox "Tell yourself that you are well, that everything is fine with you, and that God will hear your words and turn them into reality."

Norman Vincent Peale "If you want to change your condition, start by thinking differently."


Simple rules that help build a positive thinking

The sport. It is known that exercise is beneficial to health and has a significant role in reducing stress. That's why walking as much as possible, replacing climbs with climbing stairs and practicing sports will increase the level of mood.

Sleep. Sleep deficiency can create a state of irritability, nervousness, accentuated fatigue, lack of motivation. In addition, it weakens the immune system and predisposes to overweight. For this reason, the recommendation is that an active person should have at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Sleep quality allows cellular regeneration.

Acceptance. In moments of buying, any word of the others may affect the suffering one. But it's important to accept oneself with everything he can and what he knows. Committing with one's own person is a very important step in establishing a psychic balance.

Assimilation of uniqueness. Every person is unique, there are no two identical people. For this reason, no one has to compare with anyone else. Comparison will bring frustrations and negative emotions.

Appearances can be very deceptive. People can show the mask of happiness, but in reality it is possible to conceal a lot of trouble. The only viable comparison is one with one's own. For example, we can enjoy the way we have evolved from one year to another, we can try to become a better person tomorrow than today.

Socialization. Contact with positive people, optimists, people who enjoy life and who greatly help to establish an emotional balance. That's why their presence is especially important, socializing with them, as they positively influence the mood, their attitude is encouraging.

Externalization. Expression of feelings and feelings greatly helps to discharge the negative states. There are people willing to listen, and some of them are even psychologists. They can come up with the right advice to help with emotional balancing, to establish a positive thought.


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