... "the flame you want to see in the eyes of others must exist in you!"

The blind can not help the blind. Those who grumble in the dark can not show the way to the others.

Those who do not know immortality can not help others to escape the fear of death.

Those who do not live totally and intensely, whose song does not yet come from the soul, whose smile is just drawn on the lips, can not help others to be authentic and sincere.

Those who are hypocritical and pretended can not help other people to be honest. Those who are not yet themselves, who know nothing about them, have no idea of their individuality - those who are still lost in their personality, which is false and modeled by society - can not help anyone else to Find their individuality. Even if they have the best intentions, it is simply not possible.

If the flame of your life does not burn, how could you ignite the fire in the fallen lamps of the others?


First you have to burn; Only after that you can ignite others. You have to be rebellious so you can spread the rebellion around you. If you are blazing, if you burn, you can create a wild fire that will stretch far beyond your vision. But first you have to be in flames [...]

You can only share what you have with others!

If you are miserable, you will divide your misfortune, and when two unfortunate people are together, the misfortune is not only double but multiplying infinitely. The same goes for happiness, for rebellion, for all experiences. Whatever you want the world to be, first you have to be the model. You must pass through a fire test so that, by your own example, you can prove your life philosophy. You can not just plead for it. Arguments and reason will not help you; Only your experience can give others the taste of love, meditation, tranquility, religiosity.

Do not ever try to help someone before you have experienced yourself because you will be more embarrassed. It's already embarrassed. The perpetuated heritage for centuries has confused everyone. It would be nice of you if you did not give any help, because it might be dangerous; Your help would be very risky for the other. First you go along, find out where it goes - only then you can hold the hands of others and you can lead them.


In this world, it is very difficult to communicate. You have to learn how to communicate your experiences so that others understand exactly what you meant; Otherwise, you may think that you give nectar, but in the lives of others turn into poison. They are already very poisoned! It would be better to clean yourself up first, to clear your eyes to see better. Then you may be able to help others. Desire is good, but good does not just happen from the good will. From ancestors it is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. There are millions of people who help with good intentions, counseling others - without worrying that they themselves do not follow their own stories. But the joy of giving advice is so great! Who cares if I follow my own advice or not?

The joy of advising others is a very subtle, selfish joy. The one to whom you give advice becomes ignorant; You become acquainted. Advice is the only thing in the world that everyone offers, but nobody accepts it; And it is good that no one accepts it, because it is given by people who know nothing - although there is no evil intent hidden behind it. Remember that it is in the nature of things to change first of all if you want to change the world. The revolution must begin with you. Only after that you can make it radiate in the hearts of others. Dance must first encompass you, and then you will see the miracle - and others have started dancing like you.

Dance is contagious; So is love, as well as gratitude, religiosity, rebellion - all of them are boring. So, first of all, the flame you want to see in the eyes of others must exist in you!

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