Thoughts to start with in the morning...

We are the words we tell ourselves and our thoughts.

The way we start each morning is related to how we feel throughout the day.

The first minutes of the day are very important because it represents our start in the new adventure, a new day that we can make the most of it and we can live in harmony and peace or we can lose it living in sadness and unhappiness.

It is vital that every morning we begin our day in positive thoughts, in a pleasant mental attitude and with great enthusiasm because as you probably found, we are the ones who have the power to turn us every day.


These thoughts are nothing but mantras (statements), those words or phrases with spiritual charge, which by repeating loudly or just mentally produce beneficial effects in your being on all three planes: physical (healing), mental (reconciliation, harmonization ) And spiritual (enlightenment).

The mantras have been used over the millennia, especially in the Oriental spiritual practice, but they are quite widespread in the West.

They are like a trampoline that helps you propel yourself faster to higher frequencies, to higher dimensions of the event.

Because I have seen the effects of mantra work on me, I recommend them to be very useful for getting out of negative states in a very short time and regaining a positive attitude.


Thoughts to start with in the morning to have happy and harmonious days.

It's possible to feel exhausted. It is possible to feel discouraged. It is possible to feel defeated. I may feel uncomfortable. No matter what happens around me, the best option is to continue to think positively and enjoy life.

Those moments when I feel that everything around me is negative, I choose to think positively and this is the best choice and the biggest difference.

It is impossible to realize what I suppose I can not do, but I understand that they do nothing but to remain a prisoner of my suppositions and only sabotage my own thoughts. I choose to release and move on to the important things for me.
I know that in order to increase my self-esteem, self-image and trust in my forces, I need to stop others from being responsible for them.

No matter how great my challenge is, I know that worry is nothing but to get even more into this. I choose to focus on solutions and I know that in the meantime incredible opportunities come into my life.

I know that the source of my unhappiness is the comparison with the ideal so I choose not to compare myself to anyone. I cherish, accept myself as I am, and love me. I'm the most wonderful man I know.

I can not calm a storm, but I can calm myself down and then I'll see how the storm will disappear.

The strongest changes happen where I choose to take control and take responsibility, so I choose to stop blaming anyone now and take control of my life right now.

I will never leave a man without results telling me it's too hard, too risky or too boring to work for my dreams. I will never let my mind be sabotaged by thoughts and beliefs that I do not deserve to have what the soul wants.

I will never put my happiness and success in the hands of others. I know that in my mind there is the whole power to do extraordinary things in my life and now I am ready to do everything I can to keep my dreams.

Just because no one before me has done what I want will never stop me from going on a road that is not yet battered. Nobody and nothing can stand in the way of my dreams. If there is not a way to what I want, it's not the problem. I'll make one!

I'm responsible for the whole day and I know today I will have a great day.

It does not matter so much what's going on in life as long as it's good for people.

Accept with faith what it is, let go of what it was and prepare for everything that will follow.

I have the resources in my head to move my forehead over any obstacle and to be able to accomplish all that I have proposed.


I'm enjoying unlimited opportunities. I'm strong enough to free myself from the past to let go of what I've been holding so long inside, wise enough to move on, hard enough to work hard and patiently enough to Build your own successful road.

I trust in people and in life. I love my life and love me as I am.

I treat all the people around me with kindness and respect. I enjoy the pleasant company of people who amplify my power every day.

Being good with people is a peaceful way to live and an inheritance that I can leave to the world. I choose to give people the best and that's because people are equal to me and deserve the special treatment that I am offering.

I choose not to judge people just because they made mistakes. I choose to accept and love them and even help them where they feel they need.
They're my best friend. I love and accept as I am, and I no longer have to seek love and acceptance around me. I am the man I love most.

I can not change the world, but I can change the people around me with small gestures of help, love and dedication.

I understand that not what they say to people defines my life, but what they do every day defines me totally. I choose to do more and speak less.

For too long I see the victim and not the creator and for this reason my life is difficult and hard to change. I choose to remember from now on to create value around me.

If I do not let go of the painful situations of the past, if I do not forgive myself, if I do not forgive the situation, if I do not accept it is over, I can not go any further.

Nothing in this world is permanent. When I understand this I can do anything because I do not want to have it, but to live.

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