Dear Grumpycat (You Flagged my post for the wrong reasons I AM INNOCENT and now You Flagging another INNOCENT Users) PLUS A RAP BEEF VIDEO to @grumpycat


Dear @grumpycat
its been a week and two days you flagged my post stating i bought votes from @bomerang with my post has staying up to 3.5days hence breaking your rules.

its all a lie, the processes you used to flag post that are older than 3.5 days failed you and made us a victim of abuse by a whale with such high steem power
my post was fresher than a new baby's butt @firedream can testify to this.

i asked for the services of @bomerang when my post was 7hours or not even up to countdown to when i. posted it @17 hours my post got flagged not even up to a day.

Flagging a post that deserves the flag, is highly appreciated by the steemit community but Flagging other user's hard earn, time spent post is wrong, i tried reaching you on every aspect to let you know your flagged on my post wasn't right and mistaken, you did not even reply me as if you already know what you are doing.

@GRUMPYCAT are you intimidating Minnows?

  • are you doing it to bully minnows

  • are you doing this to uphold the community

  • are you doing this for the reward pool

  • are you doing this to counter irresponsible biding bots

  • are you doing this for justice

  • what are you really doing this for

if so then after your bots has flagged so many users and you get a report from one of the users starting that your flagged on their post was wrong and not accurate, you that have made it an obligation and your responsibility to fight pool reapers and law disobeying users should also investigate and check if they are right, to remove your flags.

how are you sure the process and methods you are using would be that accurate?

you flagged about 8 innocent users while the guilty ones remain save, got me thinking if really you are fighting for us. and above all *How can you upvote your comment on a post you flaghed

@GRUMPYCAT what you are doing for the community is so much appreciated, Loved and many might support this Movement you if you follow the right path in Flagging the guilty Ones, but if not/

and you are just there Flagging the innocent post and minnows trying to be heard and not investigating the flags

Then This song is for you

What you should understand is that a minnow will never pay for votes of a post that has passed 48hours as they find that useless and moved to the next post. but a whale will as they already understand how the concept works.

And not all whales do that.

@grumpycat just strike again today is kinda pissing me off that no body is saying anything to help counter this injustice not even @steemcleaners

this attack happened recentl


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