It is now illegal to pay your taxes in the USA and UK because of anti-terrorism laws

Did you know that it is illegal for you to pay tax if you live in the USA or the UK? Sounds crazy, right? Well, I'll explain why:

Multiple anti-terrorism laws make it illegal to fund terrorism in the UK and the US. The only problem is: These countries' governments are terrorist organizations.

What? My government is a terrorist?

Terrorism is defined as: "The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes." Anyone notice a problem here yet?

The problem is this: The dictionary definition of terrorism precisely describes the behaviour of American and British governments, therefore making it a criminal act to pay tax to fund those governments

In other words, the US and UK governments' own laws makes it illegal for you to pay tax to them because they fund terrorism, participate in terrorism, and supply the global arms trade. Together these two Western governments, in just the last two decades, have killed as many as eight million people in state-sponsored acts of terrorism.

You mean paying tax is a war crime?

Paying tax to your government may mean you are liable for prosecution as a war criminal. This may sound extreme, but remember that just following orders from your government is not considered an acceptable justification for supporting a terrorist state that murders millions of people.

The concept of Superior Orders, also known as the Nuremberg defense, is one where a person claims they are not responsible for their actions because they are just doing what they are told by a superior. In our case, the US or UK government.

During the trials for war crimes after World War II, several Nazis used the defence of "lawful orders" or, to use the German phrase Befehl ist Befehl, which translates to, "an order is an order" meaning they were" only following orders".

However, this is not always accepted as a defence. Individuals are held responsible for their participation in a state-level war crime. Therefore, if you choose to pay your taxes to terrorist organizations like the US or UK governments, you also leave yourself open to criminal prosecution in the future for funding a terrorist state that destabalizes foreign nations for power and profit.

But everyone is paying tax, it must be ok. Right?

Remember that many Germans viewed the Nazis as a legitimate government. It is very hard to see, when you exist within a criminal state system, that the state is criminal. Typically, this is only reflected on after the state collapses. Just because your government has a veneer of legitimacy, and everyone around you is doing the same thing, it doesn't mean that you should also fund terrorism.

Ok, show me the laws that make it illegal to pay tax.

Sure. Let's look closer at the laws that make it illegal for us to fund our terrorist governments:

Executive Order 12947

Issued by President Bill Clinton on January 23, 1995, this law prohibits financial transactions with groups "threatening disruption of the Middle East peace process."

America subsequently invaded Iraq in 2003, under the false claim of dismantling Weapons of Mass Destruction. This appears to have somewhat threatened "disruption of the Middle East peace process," by any definition. Therefore it is illegal to pay tax to the US government because this would clearly be a financial transaction with a group "threatening disruption of the Middle East peace process."

Executive Order 13224

This was issued by U.S. President George W. Bush on September 23, 2001.

The order "provides a means by which to disrupt the financial support network for terrorists and terrorist organizations by authorizing the U.S. Treasury, in consultation with other U.S. government agencies, to designate and block the assets of foreign individuals and entities that commit, or pose a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism."

It was reported that "The Washington DC-based Physicians for Social Responsibility released a study concluding that the death toll from ten years of the “War on Terror” since the 9/11 attacks is at least 1.3 million, and could be as high as 2 million." But, researchers in the region suggest it's closer to 8 million. 1

Oh dear, it seems that the USA have made it illegal to fund the US government because it "commits, and poses a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism". Again, another law that makes paying your taxes illegal.

Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Act 2010

This UK law allows financial institutions to freeze the assets of terrorists. Again, the problem here is that the UK government is, logically, then required to freeze its own assets since it is one of the biggest terrorist organizations in the world, responsible for millions of deaths through its "use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes."

Currently, the British Government focuses its terrorist campaigns on the Middle East. But, historically, state terrorism in the UK has included the holocaust it committed in India, and the concentration camps and torture it enacted globally. In addition, there are many war crimes which the UK Government has subsequently destroyed evidence of:

What happens if I stop paying tax?

Well, if enough of us do it, then we can fight terrorism in the most effective way possible: By making it impossible for the world's two biggest terrorist organizations to fund their ongoing acts of terror.

In addition, we can do so knowing that we comply with the law. And that paying our taxes would, in fact, be illegal.


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