AI "Artificial Intelligence" or "Alien Intelligence"

All but one well known genius views AI as "Artificial Intelligence", but what does "artificial intelligence" mean? (Elon Musk is who I was referring...have many of you knew that one?)

I want to hear your thoughts on this below, or better yet, we need your thoughts on this extremely important area of discussion.

Philosophically intelligence that is not human intelligence is foreign or alien; the thought process is different than ours. Artificial Intelligence implies the intelligence is the same as ours, just not existing inside our own brain. Moving down this logical path, to create Artificial Intelligence we would require a complete understanding of not only our brain physically, but the psychological thought processes of our brain. To simplify this problem let's say all healthy standard brains operate on the same foundation rules, let's call this the 80/20 ratio. The standard healthy brains use 80% irrational and 20% rational logic to solve problems. The more intelligent the brain, meaning the more efficient the brain solves problems, the more the brain uses rational logic versus irrational logic. Let's categorize a genius as a person who's brain uses a higher percentage for rational thought than irrational thought.

Now we have a basic foundation to start mapping intelligence, we could write code all day that accounts for rational thought. We won't call it simple, but it's math, there are rules, laws, guidelines that can be used. If we create intelligence based on rational though, we have truly created "Alien Intelligence". This intelligence may not be so foreign to the genius, but to the majority of humans, this form of thought would be completely Alien and frightening at times.

Sci-Fi movies and novels caught onto this form of intelligence years ago and have been entertaining us and informing us with their imaginations of just how foreign and alien this form of intelligence would be. Let's imagine arguing with a machine, that has all the facts that exist on the subject at hand, if we offer an irrational argument would this intelligence try to understand or would it simply stop communicating? Perhaps take more drastic measures when it determined us to be a liar and deserve a punishment for our lies.

Let's go back to "Artificial Intelligence", to give a computer this form of intelligence, we would have to introduce irrational thought into the decision making process. What is irrational thought? Essentially the making of a decision with an inadequate use of reason, i.e. an emotional decision. Well what good is an irrational computer? I'm honestly asking you this, please comment below.

We have a bit of an idea of what it would be like to own an irrational computer. Ever own a computer with a virus or bug (defect)? These are computers doing irrational things, perhaps with a rational purpose, the virus has a rational purpose, but is not that purpose irrational to the computer as a whole? Let me ask this way. Have you ever become angry and not wanted to become angry? You as a whole do not want to be angry, but that damn anger virus has infected your rational brain and caused you to break something or someone... So why do we want irrational computers? Do you want your toaster to get angry one day and shock you? Or just burn your toast, because you forgot to say good morning the day before.

So what is it exactly that we are trying to achieve here? If we want a new friend that we can buy, OK that sort of makes sense, though you can't forget the flip side that your friend may end up hating you just like your real life friend. Or are we trying to make ourselves more intelligent? If we are trying to make ourselves more intelligent, then why do we want more irrational thought and behavior?

Bottom line, and we need your opinions on this, "Alien Intelligence" is cold and calculating, but gets us the correct answer. "Artificial Intelligence"... well if that means simulated human intelligence including all the insanity of irrational behavior, some might consider that a computer virus. I certainly don't want that Windows Update. What about you?

Next Discussion....Let's talk about mental disorders and AI mental disorders....(if you have any specific thoughts on this subject I would love to hear them and incorporate them into the next discussion)

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