The Proof of Benefits

One day, as my Master finish leading a meditation session, a man who had been watching him from the side asked,

"Master. I know there are many benefits to meditation, and many people have benefitted from it. But there is no science to it. How can we know for sure, without proper proof, that it actually works?"

My Master looked at man, smiled, and this was what he said,

"Many, many moons ago, our ancestors were sitting on the plains, observing the Sun. And how peculiar and mysterious the Sun was! They noticed that whenever the Sun was up, plants would grow. But when the Sun set, and at areas without sun light, plants would not grow. From that observation, our ancestors knew when and where to plant the crops.”

The man was displeased with the answer, because he couldn’t see the relevance. But before he could voice out his frustration, my Master continued,

"Now, it wasn't until a few hundred years ago that scientists finally understood the process of photosynthesis, and the role our Sun played it in. If our ancestors had refused to use their observations of the Sun, well, you and I won't be here having this conversation."

"We reap the benefits of certain actions, habits and practices. As long as those actions cause no harm to you and others, even if you do not fully understand the origins of the benefits, it would be wise to just leverage on it. And who knows, because learning is also in the doing, you may develop a deeper understand later."

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