A tribute to Friendship - Or how Steemit and SteemFest bring people together!

This is not just a reference to some @steemsugars I met in London. This is a tribute to Friendship and how it really works!

Friendships, as well as relationships, sometimes born in different or even strange ways. And what people say about quantity and quality, it's true when it comes to friendships. It doesn't matter how long you know someone but what you've been through together and how you ended up being close. This is what matters the most. So let me start [and I'll go with the order that I met them... ;) ]


One of the kindest people I know. She was one of the very first people I met at the intro open bar of the Lisbon SteemFest the very first day. The rest is history. Somehow we clicked, we shared personal stuff, sometimes I never got that close with people I know for years... But then again Imma is Imma, not just another 'regular' person. She is very special but most of all she has a good heart [I guess that's a prequisite to be a heart nurse right??? :D <3 ]
She gets me like very few people do. Ok, generally I'm an open book but this doesn't mean I let anyone in... I only let in people I click with and with Imma it was 'love at first sight'!
She's doing SO much in her life and all for a good cause, including Steemit Philippines! She's vibrant, never tired, always glowing but most of all...when I hug her, it feels like HOME.
It breaks my heart not knowing when I'll see her again, if she'll be in London, if I'll be in Copenhagen, because you know - life... But hoping that the next SteemFest will be the deal for sure!
Love you girl, I love your energy, your support and help, your vibe, your cute voice, everything about you!!!!!

Photo taken by @redrica, now being my phone screensaver!


I met her during a drunk night at Lisbon SteemFest, outside Snookers together with @osm0sis :) We were both SO surprised that my boyfriend and her were from the same hometown in Romania !!! [small world!!!] She was also happily surprised that I spoke Romanian hehe - even though, let's admit, it's not perfect quite yet ;)
Teodora is the real thing: So energetic, interesting, smart, I can keep going like this!!! A super awesome human being and most of all ...an truly precious friend. She opened her house for me when she barely knew me. THIS I know 'friends' of mine who I know for years that they wouldn't do. I still don't get it, honestly haha !!! And I can't thank her enough for her hospitality - oh we Southerns :D :D :D
Also...another strange and amazing characteristic of hers is that she reminds me of people very close to me (including myself sometimes, or my Dad) but most of all my Godmother! The way she talks, the things she says, even the way she moves her hands or her general appearance...!!! Maybe that's why I feel her so close to me - on top of every other feeling!!!
She's leaving for Argentina in 2 days and my heart hurts 'cause I really have no idea when I'll see her again. Hopefully at SteemFest? Who knows... I am wishing her an awesome journey and don't forget us huh???
Esti SUPER TARE draga mea...Te pup !!!! <3 <3 <3


London view from Tate Modern, courtesy of @redrica

Our amazing @steemsugars Coordinator! Yes, that's her ;)
Even though I didn't know her at all before going to London, and I still know her less than the other 2 girls, I do feel her now VERY close to me that's why I trusted her with this role for the group.
I immediately liked her - maybe because she bared with me non stop for 2 days, who knows haha!!!
I admire her for having 2 kids -homeschooling them wow!-, for being an amazingly strong personality, for looking so cute [no, for that I don't admire you, I just envy you :P ] and for being HER.

I mean, look at this face...How can you not love this face??? She took this selfie of us :)

She introduced us to @colossus39 who took us on his amazing graffitti photo tour - I will post about it too but for now check those posts if you like:
From @colossus39:
From @immarojas:
And from @teodora:

She is very dedicated and I'm sure soon enough she'll do WONDERS on the platform. But besides that, the personal conversations we had with her and @teodora [at LEON girls, remember...?] -and no, I'm not going to tell you what we discussed...but the flow was AMAZING!- made me love her instantly... I hope to -soon- get the chance of knowing her more, because she's simply an extraordinary, multi-tasking, chic lady/mom! <3 Lots of love girl !!!

Selfie I took with the 3 of us, @immarojas, @redrica and me, in Chinatown of London

An amazing picture of me @immarojas took, while at a Costa Coffee, having an amazing Coco Vanilla Latte, looking outside to the sun, so happy...She even came with me at a Greek Orthodox Church I wanted to go light up a candle...Such a sweetheart! But look close: This is how HAPPINESS look like!!!

What do you believe about Friendship? Do my stories here make any sense to you? I'd love to hear what you think!!!

Thanks for reading! And as I always say, whatever happens, don't forget to smile! Happy weekend everyone!




Banner by: @thekittygirl

Gif by: @traciyork

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