Fakenewsd by my ISP provider

I don't know at the moment what is going on with my internet connection. As a matter of fact, the speed is so slow tonight's radio show was not recorded, as the streaming through OBS was simply impossible. I'm sure that if I would have lowered the quality of the video and audio to "potato with a cable" quality, something might have been recorded, but at this point, I just want to marinate in the hatred of my ISP for a second.

As we can see from the Internet Machine testings, the upload and download flirt with all different concepts of fakenewsery never seen before in this house. What in the hell happened? I want to know. Did a Firecracker hit the connection box or something? And... did this have to happen on the night of the show?

I know that it may sound like I'm complaining about something trivial, after all, here I am using the thing I'm complaining about to complain about it not working. But, please understand, we pay for the good kind of internet. As a matter of fact, as I was writing this somewhat complainty complaint, I tried using the yerterbs to see if I would be able to watch something at a decent quality. It works, but at 240 resolush....

I must ready the mean @meno voice and call comcast tomorrow, because this can't be. I know they will tell me it's not their fault, and that they will send out a tech, but it can't be weeks this time. That's how they like to always play it, but I won't let them pull a torero on me.

Sorry for the rant..


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