Knock, Knock...

A knock at my door on a Sunday morning... I wish I could say that I had no idea of who it could be this time, but I'm painfully aware of the Sunday routine. It's OK, its not offensive and to be honest with you sometimes its quite entertaining. Besides, I'm always greeted with a smile when I open the door and who does not enjoy a smile?

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I often wonder if this makes them happy and I'm being sincere about my question. They deal with a lot of rejection and sometimes aggression from people who feel offended by their presence. I have a friend who participates of these activities, a good friend who once shared with me some of the ugly things he has witnessed. You may think he is exaggerating but I have reasons to believe him and he says he was shown a gun, then I'm sure he was.

Its not like we don't have options, we could simply not answer, they never stay too long anyways. or.... if you are particularly weird like myself, you could ask difficult and I do mean difficult questions, the kind that make them leave quicker in search for answers. Is that evil? I don't know, I think I'm doing them a favor to be honest, if you are going to be committed to a mission, you must know all the ins and outs.

Before you subtract some points from my report card let me just say, I ask questions with a big smile, without sarcasm and because I'm honestly fascinated with some of the things I hear from them. The level of commitment in their voice can be inspiring, even if they themselves can't explain the things they talk about and that, that particular aspect of it all is something I personally admire about our fellow sapiens.

I also don't attempt to make assertions to them, its futile and I have no new information they have not heard before. I'm also not completely sure there is anything to gain from adding more information to a confusing subject. My goal with these conversations is simply to add a tool for discovery into their argumentative belt. If I'm lucky one day one will come to my door and answer my most complicated questions in a way that I find irrefutably logically sound and that prospect is exciting to me.

As a dear friend always says... kindness costs nothing...

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