Daily Inpirational/Motivational Quotes - #3 Inspiring/Encouraging Quote from Steve Jobs - Time is Limited

Daily Inpirational/Motivational Quotes - #3
Inspiring/Encouraging Quote from Steve Jobs
Time is Limited
Daily InpirationalMotivational Quotes InspiringEncouraging Quotes #3 Steve Jobs - Time is Limited.jpg

I would wager that nearly everyone reading this knows who Steve Jobs was.


For those of you who don't I will tell you.

Steven Paul Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American entrepreneur, businessman, inventor, and industrial designer. He was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc.; CEO and majority shareholder of Pixar;[2] a member of The Walt Disney Company's board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar; and founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. Jobs and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak are widely recognized as pioneers of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s.

Now, I won't give you his entire history as that is not what this post is for. I will say this though...

This man has left a definite impression on this world. This is a man that truly lived his own life and dreams.

A visionary of our times, Steve created many inspirational technologies that a large amount of us use today.

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Steve knew many things.

One powerful kernel of truth he was gracious enough to share with the world was:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

Every person in this world is given 24 hours in each day that they are responsible for.

In these 24 hours we have the choice of what we do with them. It is that very choice that determines greatly what we will get out of this life we've all been given.

So, what does he mean by "living someone else's life"?

Well, do you have dreams?

Do you have goals?

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Are you taking action to achieve them?

Many of us blindly play follow the leader instead of listening to our inner voice. You know that voice that tells us to push harder, to live fuller.

That voice that screams inside of us, "This is not where you are supposed to be!".

The easiest way to tell if you are living someone else's life is to ask yourself questions like:

"Am I doing what I really want to do, or am I doing what others think I should do?"

"Does what I'm doing actually make me happy?"

"How do I feel right now, in the midst of my normal day?"

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When you wake up each day, are you inspired? Are you pumped to do whatever it is you are about to do?

I don't remember who may have said it first but it is said that we regret the things in life that we did not do far greater than the things we did.

In many cases we will lull ourselves into complacency with our surroundings.

Living lives that are not ours out of fear that we will make the wrong decision.

Out of fear that someone else may judge our actions if we break that complacency.


I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty...

No one in this world that has ever done anything memorable, anything that that has changed the world or even changed a single life for the better, did it because it from a position of complacency.

None of them were told by there boss to dream a big dream and see it through!

The people that do these memorable things are always following something within themselves!

So when you wake up tomorrow and you ask yourself, "Is today the day that I will take steps toward my dreams?".

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The answer is yes!!

Today is always the day to reach for a goal, be it personal or business, if it means something to you, if it makes you feel good then do it!

Hesitation is a silent killer my friends!

Life likes action, speed and conviction!

Now is always the time to act!

So, if you wake up one day soon fully aware of the fog of complacency that has brewed around you remember the lesson that Steve wanted to share:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

Thanks for reading.
Michael David

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