#Eco-Train - Awakening. Global Shift, Heart Energy - What's it all About?

There is a lot of talk about the Global Shift and raising the level of consciousness, but what does this all mean, especially for someone who doesn't know any of this?

When we look at society today, in the majority of countries then society is very focused on mind, thinking and logic.

Schools are all about learning, remembering and regurgitating facts. If you have a good memory then you'll exceed in school exams. If you have any enquiring mind and question everything then you may be seen as a trouble maker or disruptive student, who is 'not learning the facts' and doing what he / she is being told!


I believe it is really good to ask questions. I ask questions all the time, mainly to myself (meaning the universe or the Angels!)

  • For instance what if all the facts we are being told to learn in school aren't true?
  • How do we know if what we're being taught is true?
  • What if the all the information in our history books wasn't true?

Asking questions can trigger us! 

We can have an instant outrage at the question, with the response but of course it's true! However, that reaction is coming from what we have believed all our life and that doesn't make it true, just what we've believed! Then there is the question and if all that wasn't true then what else isn't true!

Now there we have a HUGE trigger!!

And this is the start of the 'awakening' process for those that delve deeper. Some may just switch off and carry on as they were, but the door has been opened and once we know something we cannot 'unknow' it! Sure we can ignore it and hope it will go away, but it doesn't, it's a bit like a yo-yo and will keep reappearing!

So this brings us on to the Global Shift, which is about humanity as a whole awakening and seeing the 'Truth' about life and what is going on. 

Awakening is seeing:

  • Where we have been lied to or told something that is not true
  • The pollution that is destroying our planet
  • The corruption in authority that we have be told to trust and believe in
  • The corruption in the monetary system and how we are controlled and slaves to fiat currency
  • The unfair distribution of wealth, with billionaires have more than they could ever possibly spend in their lifetime whilst millions or more have no home, food, clean water and the basic essentials
Basically life is not fair or just and this needs rebalancing and putting right. 

If we don't stop polluting and destroying the planet then we will all die from chemical poisoning! 

Some scientists are showing how drugs, chemicals and pollutants are the cause of increased illness, especially alzheimer's disease, autism, cancer, allergies and auto immune diseases.

If we don't have 'money' outside of the current monetary system, we could loose all our money.

Many people are seeing this one and are choosing blockchain and cryptocurrency so they are independent of fiat current and being controlled by banks, governments and large corporations.

If we don't see the lies then positive change won't happen.

This is where we come to mind or heart, or even mind or soul, because they all have different functions and purposes and not knowing what our mind, heart and soul can do or should be doing is not living an authentic life.

Authenticity is when your mind, heart and soul are in harmony with each other

Most people have no real idea about mind, heart and soul energy because of the 'mind programming' that went in schools to just learn the 'facts' presented to them, and pass them on, like a game of 'pass the parcel' but the present in the middle is a lie!

So let's take a look at our Mind, Heart and Soul and see what they do.

Mind Energy

Our minds are about thinking, logic, questioning, comparing. 

If you are doing analytical work then mind energy is most needed. If you need to compare different things or data to reach a decision about which one is best for the job intended, then we need to be using our mind energy.

However, we have become so used to being in our mind energy that we have a tendency to 'compare' all the time and this shows up as 'judging'. Have you ever wondered why we all sub-consciously judge all the time? Well I didn't actually realise the answer to this myself until I was thinking about writing this article and then it hit me! We judge because we are in our 'mind energy' and minds are like computers that are designed to compare!

People are unique souls in a human body 

It was never intended for each soul to be compared against other souls! We are all unique jig-saw pieces in the huge jig-saw puzzle of humanity and life. The aim is that we all connect and fit together to complete the picture, not to compete to all be the same piece of the puzzle!

So our minds are for dealing with inorganic matter, not souls in human bodies!

Heart Energy 

Our heart energy is our people energy.

Now here we have a form of communication for living souls called empathy. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. If you feel someone is in pain and hurting then help them, as you would like to receive that help from others.

When we have an open heart and are feeling empathy then we have a good community spirit at work creating a good humanity.

The problem with our current world is lack of empathy, kindness and caring. Now this isn't to say that the majority of people on the planet lack empathy, because that is not true, the majority of people on the planet do have empathy, the problem is that those with 'the power and control of humanity' lack empathy and are creating an inhumane way of living, mass dictatorship and this is what we need to change!

Our heart energy is feeling compassion and caring for others and gives us a caring humanity.

Soul Energy

Our soul energy is our Divine Energy.

It is through our souls and soul connection that we are able to:

  • Feel and receive Divine Guidance
  • Feel our Soul / Life Purpose
  • Feel and Know Truth and Integrity
  • Feel Discernment and know Right from Wrong, Good from Bad

When our soul is open we are easily able to do the above. When we can't easily do these things then we have blocks or barriers, invisible ones, that are stopping us from connecting to our souls and feeling and receiving all this information.

Feelings are the Language of Our Souls

We can communicate on a soul to soul level through feelings. 

Ever had:

  • Goose bumps listening to an amazing singer? This is their soul saying 'hi' to your soul!
  • The feeling that you know someone or you instantly click when you're strangers? That's souls connecting!
  • The feeling that what someone is saying is just not true or right, but you have no idea why? That is your soul talking to you!

The more we can feel our soul, then the more in Truth and Integrity we are.

In fact, Truth, Integrity and Discernment are FEELINGS!

We feel these through our soul connection and when we have this feeling, (when we have a strong soul connection) then that feeling is so strong and powerful that nobody is going to change our mind. 

Note that 'mind' - what is mind energy again, it's comparing energy, logic and rational, and 'Truth is Truth' not logic or rational!

“Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”
Mahatma Gandhi 

This strong sense of Truth and Integrity is what fuels 'Truth Speakers' to do amazing feats, standing up against adversity and keeping going. They are very brave and courageous doing this, but deep down they are soul driven, and that soul connection gives them no choice but to do what is right! (Getting goose bumps typing this, so my soul is saying 'too right!!)

Humanity and Interacting with Each Other


When we are interacting with each other, i.e. human to human, then we need to be in our heart energy and our soul energy, because we are not inorganic matter that needs analysing!

Let's take an example. I read a post on Steemit yesterday and it was a man who was asking for help, working hard 6am to 5pm and only earning $5 a day. When I read his post, my heart was tugged, and I just felt I have to help this man. This was a heart felt feeling. Now as well as having an open heart, I also have a strong soul connection, so if this post hadn't been genuine then I would have had a feeling from my soul, 'this isn't real or genuine', which I have felt with other similar posts, but I didn't feel with this one. What can then happen is the mind can jump in, feeling left out of the conversation, and starts telling you 'he's a fake', don't give to him, you're being conned etc.

So here we have inner conflict and what your response will be depends on which energy out of your mind, heart or soul is most dominant or which two out power the third.

Mind is logic, comparing and judging - computer like, devoid of compassion and caring

Heart is feeling the human connection - kind, caring and empathic

Souls is feeling Divine Connection - Truth, Integrity and Discernment

I work through feelings and will nearly always go with heart and soul energy. Other people are very in their mind energy and if they have barriers to feeling their heart and soul energy then this energy will be dominant for them.

Mind dominant energy is why we have the world as it is; choosing greed, control and materialism over human life, kindness, caring, Truth and Integrity.

This is why we have Awakening and Global Shift going on, because if we don't change this dominant energy from mind to heart and soul then we are going to self-destruct ourselves and the planet!

Awakening and Global Shift

Awakening and Global Shift is choosing:

  • People and souls over inorganic and materialism
  • Love, caring, compassion over greed and control
  • Natural over artificial
  • Community over dictatorship
  • Personal responsibility over blinding believing what we are told!


I believe the mission of Steemit is to help Awaken humanity and create positive global shift, are you on board?

Thanks for reading my article. Please comment below and share this information!

(Original images from pixabay.com)

© Copyright Michelle Carter - Original Work

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