In The End, Only Inner Freedom Can Lead To Forgiveness.

Going against instinct

We've all been wronged in this life. Just recently I've been wronged on Steemit by whales and troll abusers due to my success on the platform with others.

But to break out of this karmic cycle of unbalance, I can't create my forgiveness from a place of having felt "I have forgiven you." In real life we all know that this doesn't work, as when we walk away the feelings remain with us. So what is the solution?

To "try" to forgive is indeed a forced technique that we are all guilty of. So why not instead be like the Buddha and root yourself in inner freedom, and ground yourself to being open to everything - an attitude that does not cling to anything. Work with right actions instead as the Buddha preached. Being the kindest, most compassionate person you can be is the best we can do. Forget trying to forgive others. It can never work.


By working on being the best person that we can possibly be we have short circuited the route to forgiveness. There is an absence of even the need to forgive. It has gone. Completely disappeared.

Releasing this imbalance will be hard at first, but it will allow both light and dark natures within us to become more balanced.

If we truly wish to forgive others, then we need to connect with the inner self so we connect to a more balanced way of living, and thus we are not motivated by negative imbalances in both dark and light nature. Only then will you come to see that the parties that wound you are in exactly the same position as yourself.

So be kind and compassionate and Steem on!


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