Yes, I've already forgotten everything... (Original Poem)

Yes, I've already forgotten everything,

Every day, with first sunlight, I remember you,

And while staring at your photo, I present my salutations,

Because now you don't message me like you used to,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything..

Every moment, I wish I could talk to you,

Every second, I dream of you,

What you shall be doing right now? I always wonder, 

But I become helpless and visit the church,

To pray for your health and safety, and convince my heart,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

I used to click a selfie while getting ready everyday,

Thinking, you might ask for a photo and I'll send it,

I now know that no one will ask for a photo,

But due to habit, I still click a selfie every morning,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

Do you know?

How lonely I am, after you left?

Still, I keep myself busy with daily chores,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

You did know how careless I was, right?

I didn't like getting medicines for myself even thinking, I'll fight,

And now, I've learned to care for my sister and father,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

I used to get angry at everyone like crazy,

And you used to calm me down with your mesmerizing words,

I still recollect your words,

I keep myself calm recalling them,

I don't have anyone to explain it to me now,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

Do you remember my outings with friends?

And how I used to share every detail with you at night?

But now I don't feel like going anywhere,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

I used to eat everything while having dinner,

So that I could tell you whenever you asked what I had at dinner,

But now when I go for dinner,

I remember that no one's gonna ask me about it,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything... 

I used to find a corner in the room, 

so that I could talk with you without any disturbance, 

and we used to exchange love with our daily talks,

I still remember you, but now,

I find a corner to share things with my loneliness,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

I liked how you cared for my family,

Whenever there was a problem, you had the words "Don't worry, everything's gonna be alright"

Now, whenever I get any problem,

I remember your words and try to act strong,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

It's been a long time since we've chosen different paths,

But still I keep on living as if you're with me,

Remember all the words you say, and drive my life with forced happiness,

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

I don't think that I'll be able to love someone in this life,

Because I'm not habituated to the life without you in it,

I'm still a stubborn hothead, and my obstinacy is you,

But still I've forgotten you, for you, didn't I?

Still, you think that I'd forgotten you?

Yes, I've already forgotten everything...

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