Bike Build Underway!


 Finally got my brake lines installed! Okay - the front brake lines and the rear is still left. Learning how to install the brake lines was really interesting. We removed the calipers then the old brake lines. I had to be careful removing the old ones and them leaking on the calipers. We installed the new ones and then had to bleed the brake lines and pump the new ones with brake fluid. The process was hard to video tape so I just snapped progress pics. My hands were filthy and slipper so using my phone was also a pain in the ass.    

The brake lines I went with are Apex steel braided brake lines as suggested by several people. I kept the length of my brake lines the same and will go with clip on handle bars. I will get into the handle bar styles in another post. I posted a link below from YouTube that was referenced during the swap of brake lines. The pain in the ass part was pumping the brakes left and right side. So we cut the tube that was attached to the bleeders in half to rotate with ease. The reason I went with steel braided is people prefer them as they are heavier duty than rubber. However, a lot of people debate which is better and it is a style thing too.    

Once the brakes lines were bled and done being pumped then everything was placed back together. Then we moved onto the crash cage and this was kind of tricky but not terribly. Once the placement was figured out then it was pretty cake to put it together - pic below of my cage!


Now what is left is ordering fibers for my clutch. I was suggested to not spend the 200 on an entire clutch kit because usually only the fibers go out. So I will be ordering that today as well as my elbow guards and Stryker vest. I already have my knee guards and once clutch fibers are installed then my dog bone and sprocket kit will need to go in as well! It is getting closer and closer to being mostly fully set up. I can't wait for a full transformation photo!  Here is a little preview of before and after :).

A few more items to get installed and ordered then I will be on my way to the lot! I am super sketched out and nervous but an opportunity has risen for a local music video wanting a female to pop a wheelie. I wish I could right now but I have 3 weeks until they are shooting this video. It seems low key but either way it would be really awesome to say I can do it and have it on video. I showed him my 2 bikes and my friends zx10. He wants to use my friends zx10 so no need to worry about wheelies for now unless he wants me to swap bikes and do it. I wouldn't do it unless I felt comfortable too. One thing riding bikes has taught me is to work at your own pace to grow as a rider.

I can't wait to post up the next installation and hopefully catch some lot time before our terrible winter arrives! I usually stop riding around mid November. Let's hope that stays this way - I need as much time on this bike as possible!

I will do better and post more often Steemers! It has been a little overwhelming with visiting my mom and applying for jobs/adult responsibilities.

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