A Guide To A Better Life - 1/2

aka. How to: live effectively adverb UK
/ɪˈfek.tɪv.li/ US
In a way that is successful and achieves what you want.

The answer lays in intentional living.  
and how does one live intentionally?

By looking at the ROI before you walk a path. 

And how that works, my personal approach I will share with you in this blogpost.

As humans we often make the mistake to act based on our thoughts and feelings in the present, because cannot distinguish between the voice of our body and our true voice. You can easily be tricked into doing what feels good, instead of doing what is right. (more about that on my Psycho-Cybernetics Series)

If you've been following my blog you have noticed that I think, write and care a lot about human psychology, how the mind works and truly believe that if you learn to understand your mind and how it works in regard to your environment, you can not just theoretically but practically accomplish anything. The math isn't difficult, once you understand you understand forever, just like you can't un-see, but as long as you don't see the answer clearly, it is impossible to change.

What is right? 

Well I believe the right thing is what you you really want. 

For example you might want to learn a new language, to code, to write a book or get in shape before summer kicks in, you know exactly what it takes... healthy food, lots of water and consistent workouts. But then you find yourself not doing it, somehow. That somehow is created by not having fully thought-through your vision, regarding the worth of pushing through the pain and a lack of understanding the R.O.I of a strategic plan. The same goes for making more money, or spending more time with your family, or quitting unhealthy habits like smoking cigarettes.  

It's not the how that is stopping you, it's you.
The reason we do things that aren’t serving us, is because of weakness aka. lack of self-discipline and that is OK. It is ok, because self-discipline is like a skill. It takes time to build a muscle, or learn a new language, and the same goes for self-discipline, it cannot be achieved overnight.  If you don’t have it right now, it won’t just magically kick in at some point. The worst part: The longer you stay away from confronting it, the harder it will be to get started later on. 

The good part: It only takes imagination, followed by an honest commitment. (More about that on the next episode of Psycho-Cybernetics)

I want to introduce to you a system to find out what it is you should be doing on a daily basis, that was introduced to me a while ago by my mentor and has truly changed my life. 
We all want to become grow in whatever way and strive for a better version of ourselves, but only few execute on their thoughts. 

We know pain comes from the unknown and I love the comparison I was told that stuck with me ever since... Remember when your knees hurt as a child and you asked your parents why you are feeling pain in your legs.. and they told you, it’s because you are growing? And even though that didn't make the pain go away, the explanation made sense and so you pushed through it. 

What other examples can you find of something unpleasant you went through in order to achieve something of higher importance? Maybe you had to wear braces... even going to school can be comparable (subjective matter), you spend years studying and even though you might not feel like going sometimes don't even know why you're going  you still do, just to get a piece of paper in the end. I personally believe that is the single most important reason why children should finish school, despite the education system being outdated. You learn to develop discipline, sometimes without a purpose and for the plain reason of pleasing others. Now why in the world would you not be able to apply this skill on something you actually want to learn and be able to do? 

The only question there is: IS IT WORTH IT? If the answer is yes, commit to it, write down why on a note and come back to that note whenever you feel like giving up.

Growth comes with pain. The two are correlated. Just like your body feels sore and your muscles hurt after your workout for the first time after a while, the same goes for your mind. When you break patterns and change your routine, even if it’s for the better, your brain needs to adapt to this new, unknown activity, it must transform and re-programs to adapt this new pattern that’s why it’s important to focus on what brings growth. 

I guess the article was too long, so part 2 coming soon..

Much love,


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