Good Tea and Water / 好茶需要好水来泡

We do not produce water, only nature porter

This is China's largest bottled water producer of the advertisement, the farmer spring water source in China there are four, namely, Danjiangkou Zhejiang Hangzhou Qiandao Lake, Changbai Mountain, Wanlu Heyuan, Guangdong, Hubei, four water sources,I have been to Qiandao Lake in Zhejiang, and Danjiangkou Wanlu, Only water source in Changbai Mountain, Haven't been there. Changbai production of water, most are sold in North China, such as Beijing, Tianjin,Taste and almost Tibet 5100 , then mild.
我们不生产水,只做大自然的搬动工, 这是中国最大瓶装饮用水生产商的广告语,农夫山泉在中国的水源地有4个,分别是浙江杭州的千岛湖, 长白山,广东河源的万绿湖,湖北的丹江口, 这四个水源地,我去过3个,都是中国最顶级的水源地, 长白山的水大部分销往中国的北方,比如北京,天津,口感和西藏5100差不多,便淡味.


I would like to introduce each of the four water:

Changbai Mountain - natural mineral water reserves, Changbai Quaternary volcanoes created a Chinese best water, water intake wrong grass spring day Chung amounted thirty-five thousand tons, around 10 square kilometers uninhabited.
Danjiangkou - national level water protection areas, Asia's largest artificial freshwater lake, is the North Water Transfer Project Sources
Wanlu - South China's largest national forest park, the water area of 370 square kilometers. Greening rate of 98%, air quality reach the national standard level, water quality meet the national standard for a class of surface water, can be directly consumed.

分别介绍下这四个水源: 长白山——天然矿泉水保护区,第四纪长白山火山群造就了中国最好的水源,取水口错草泉日涌量达三万五千吨,周围10平方公里无人居住, 丹江口——国家一级水资源保护区、亚洲第一大人工淡水湖,是南水北调中线工程源头,万绿湖——华南地区最大的国家级森林公园,水域面积370平方公里。绿化率达到98%,空气质量达到国家标准一级,水质达到国家一类地表水标准,可直接饮用。


I live at the foot of Lushan Mountain, near the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake, water throughout the city, from the Yangtze River, we live with the Yangtze River water is water, but the soup and tea, never use the Yangtze River water, I've lived here first thing to do, which is to look for underground water sources and springs Lushan

我生活在庐山脚下,附近有长江和鄱阳湖,整个市区的自来水,是来自长江, 我们生活用水是用长江水,但做汤和泡茶,从不使用长江水,我在这里生活第一件要做的事,那就是去庐山寻找地下水源和泉水



Lushan spring water there are many, there are hot springs in addition to mountain spring water, living in the northern spa town of people very happy, because the whole town all year round spring water, directly under 3000 meters pumped, not only drink, also can every day at home hot springs bath.




How to find even better than the farmer spring water, no pollution of the water, up the hill only to find, in 2009, I was in the forest park rented for three months, and nearby residents inquire about the water, to find the best Lushan water, the water source is located in Lushan forest Park, an underground spring, throughout the year and never stop, not many people know that time, not many people to fetch water, now have to fetch water rafts team, come the you.






Now my friends and I have become accustomed to, run out of water, and went to fetch water, fetch water became a life span the water from the mountains to the car, to go very far, when is exercise.


I know there are many places in the world, it is very difficult to drinking water,Your family's drinking water come from? / 你们家的饮用水来自哪里呢?




Friends brought Tie Guan Yin, this is their homeland of tea, compared to our Lushan fragrant, more fragrant Iron Goddess of Mercy, but the Tippy and then to the West Lake Longjing put them together,I really do not know what a good drink, I think you prefer to drink coffee... ha ha :)

朋友带来的安溪铁观音,这是他们家乡福建安溪的茶,对比我们庐山的云雾茶,铁观音更香一些, 但要再把毛尖和西湖龙井放一起比较,我还真不知道喝哪个好,哈哈, 我想你们更喜欢喝咖啡

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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