Giving without any expectations of getting anything in return is one of the most selfless deed one can perform.
There are many around us who are struggling for the basics of life. Giving to those who need and sharing what we have brings a lot of happiness not only to the person we give but also to our own self.
We can always give a helping hand to someone and help with whatever is in our capacity. One should not restrict to only monetary help. Help in any way we feel comfortable, it can be giving time, energy, or just a ear to listen. When we do not think how we can help and just keep our-self open to the thought of helping, opportunities of helping will flow into us. Giving is not always in terms of tangible product but we can also give through our intangible acts like mental and emotional support to the one in need.....
Some of my beliefs in giving and helping some one is I try to help someone who cannot pay me back, now this is completely my own belief as that would release any expectations from my side to get any rewards of my assistance. The other thing is that once given and helped the very next second the thought should be out of the mind to not carry the baggage.
The worst I see is when people do act of kindness and then pose it up all on social media. I know of a person who always went for blood donation and after every donation would put it up on Facebook with his picture and the number of the event :-(
Sometimes I feel giving our time and ear is more important then giving financial or tangible help. There are lot of people who just want to be heard, many looking out for someone to spend a little time with them. Like when I was unwell I just wanted someone to be with me which would matter to me most as an emotional support at that point of time.
When I used to visit the Remand homes in Mumbai and spend a little time with the Children out there, the joy on their faces would be worth a million and you realize how they don't bother for anything materialistically, all they need is your love and time. I have always worked more with the Children in Orphanages, Slums and Remand homes and the life learning that I have got from them I don't think I would get that by reading any book or by listening to any spiritual speaker.
The word Giving is very small but the scope it offers is immense. And it is not always about giving to the underprivileged. Sometimes we focus on the outside and forget the insides. For e.g. most of us have old people at our home, while we are tending to the whole world we forget the most important ones in our home. The Old people at home are just wanting our time and for many it is the most difficult task.
I personally feel Giving is one of the act that brings maximum joy to self. and simple act of kindness can sometimes change someone's life.
It is about making a Difference"
Kathy Calvin
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